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Community care

7 October, 2022

Department of Health in Northern Ireland announces additional funding of £7.1 million for social care direct payments

Funding designed to provide increase of around 12 per cent in hourly rate of carers employed directly by disabled people

6 October, 2022

Councils urge government to delay its social care reforms until October 2024

County Councils Network warns of 'perfect storm' of financial and workforce pressures being faced by local authorities and that failure to delay the reforms could make them 'unworkable at inception'

27 September, 2022

22 September, 2022

Government commits £500 million of additional funding to ‘help people get out of hospitals and into social care support’

New Adult Social Care Discharge Fund will inform further government action from next year to 'rebalance' funding across health and care

22 September, 2022

Government introduces Bill to reverse April 2022’s national insurance increase to fund health and social care and next year’s Health and Social Care Levy

However, Chancellor says that funding for health and social care services will be maintained at the same level as if the measures had been kept in place

5 September, 2022

More than 2.5 million people in England aged 50 or over are living with some form of unmet need for care

Responding to new analysis from Age UK, social care campaigners call for government to provide urgent cash injection to social care system to address increasing pressures caused by funding and staff shortages

1 September, 2022

Ombudsman warns councils that they must not allow care providers they work with to have subsidiary contracts with clients

Warning issued after Leeds City Council found to be at fault for allowing care provider to have contract with woman to make up the difference between what it received from council and its private rate

25 August, 2022

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman issues new guidance on making Deprivation of Capital decisions

Based on lessons from complaints received, guidance sets out key good practice points for financial assessment practitioners in local authorities

18 August, 2022

Consultation launched on enabling access to direct payments for adults who are eligible for Continuing NHS Healthcare in Wales

Social Services Minister says the proposal aims to 'further strengthen the voice and control of service users and their carers'

9 August, 2022

Government launches consultation on proposals for distribution of funding to support first year of reforms to the adult social care system in England

Proposals seek to 'balance the principles of funding certainty, transparency, robustness and fairness’

8 August, 2022

Almost 90 per cent of local authorities in England think that some or all of the government’s adult social care reforms should be delayed

Responding to councils' concerns about funding shortfalls and their ability to meet government's timetable, Local Government Association writes to Secretary of State to call for reforms to be put back to April 2024

5 August, 2022

Six hundred people a day are joining growing waiting lists to be assessed for social care and support in England

Situation is deteriorating rapidly, with system buckling under unprecedented pressures, says Association of Directors of Adult Social Services

5 August, 2022

4 August, 2022

Government has not come close to rescuing social care and must inject immediate funding ‘in the order of several billions each year’, say MPs

Levelling Up Committee adds that White Paper is nothing more than a vision with 'no roadmap, no timetable, no milestones, and no measures of success'

27 July, 2022

26 July, 2022

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales finds council at fault for failure to monitor third-party supported living services in the months before resident died

While earlier intervention may not have altered the final outcome, ‘several opportunities to intervene were lost’, says Ombudsman

21 July, 2022

Ombudsman finds Croydon Council and local health services at fault for failing to provide Mental Health Act aftercare services that led to delayed PIP claim and deterioration in mental health

Complaint to Ombudsman results in compensation award of £7,000 for lost entitlement to PIP and a further £7,250 in relation to the injustice experienced by complainant and her parent carers

19 July, 2022

Without immediate and substantial government help, rising demand combined with existing pressures on social care will lead to ‘the most difficult winter ever experienced'

Association of Directors of Adult Social Services warning highlights increase in requests for support from people with mental health issues, domestic abuse and safeguarding concerns, and problems due to breakdown of unpaid carer arrangements

8 July, 2022

Government announces delay to introduction of social care reforms that would give all self-funders the right to access care at lower local authority rates

Following concerns expressed in response to recent consultation exercise, Social Care Minister confirms that the government will take a 'staged approach' to its planned extension of Section 18(3) of the Care Act 2014