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About rightsnet

What we do
Who we work with
Our services
Our people
What people say about us
Recognition and support for our work
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The small print

We're here for everyone who cares about access to justice. Thousands of people across the UK use rightsnet every day to stay up to date with the latest social welfare law developments, to get casework support, and to test their ideas, share their experience and network with others with a shared interest in using the law to do good things.

It's impossible to overstate the difference rightsnet has made to my work and how it has impacted on my clients | I would not be nearly so good at what I do if it had not been for rightsnet | By far the fastest ... most user friendly way to keep right up to date | Essential to the job, I can't imagine being without it

rightsnet is the operating name of Lasa Charity UK Limited. Every year, our social welfare law and tech services help thousands of not for profit organisations, people across the public sector, and local and national governments throughout the UK, to do more good.

Established in 1984, we're dedicated to using technology to support the delivery of social welfare law advice and information to disadvantaged communities across the UK, and we've been providing online advice support since 1998.

What we do

We do a whole heap of stuff to help everyone from frontline not-for-profit organisations to government departments (and everyone in-between) to deliver efficient, high-quality services, as well as work for the direct benefit of people with social welfare law problems.

Who we work with

We're committed to social justice and to helping organisations deliver the most effective services for the benefit of their users.

To this end every year we work with thousands of organisations across the UK, including frontline VCS orgs - for example, local citizens advice and law centres - local authorities; housing associations; solicitor firms and barristers chambers; membership bodies, funders; media organisations; the judiciary; government departments ... and many, many more.

Our services

Our services include -

Our people

Meet our staff team -

What people say about us

rightsnet gets millions of visits every year from thousands of organisations across the UK who tell us that the service is essential to their work. [Read more feedback]

Recognition and support for our work

We've been twice nominated for an 'Access to justice through IT' award in the Legal Aid Practitioner's Group's LALY awards; won the British Library supported 'Opening the World of Knowledge' category in the Nominet Internet Awards; won a 'technological innovation' award in the Lexis Nexis Taxation Awards; were a winner in the 'Working Together' category at the Technology4Good awards; were shortlisted for the Charity Times 'Cross-sector partnership of the year' and in the Guardian Social Enterprise awards; and were the only second-tier website to be awarded the Community Legal Service Quality Mark standard for websites.

Many thanks to those who are funding our work and who have supported us in the past, including the Legal Education Foundation, the Access to Justice Foundation, Trust for London, the City Bridge Trust, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, the John Ellerman Foundation, the City Parochial Foundation, the Legal Services Commission, London Councils, the Greater London Authority, HMRC, the Law Society Charity, the Lloyds TSB Foundation for England and Wales, the National Lottery Charities Board and the Community Fund.

Join the rightsnet community

Thousands of advisers across the UK use rightsnet to get casework support, to share their experience and expertise, and to network with other advice workers ...

'Engaging in 'debates' on the forums has improved my confidence and my ability to research material. I take on cases of increasing difficulty and the outcomes are often very positive. I have saved people from eviction, and clients' improved financial situation has led to improvements in their health ... I would not be nearly so good at what I do if it had not been for rightsnet.'

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Get in touch

We love your feedback ... if you have a query or comment about rightsnet, please contact us.

NB - while we are not able to offer casework advice by email, if you are an advice worker try posting a message in the discussion forum.

Looking for information about your own rights?

We're sorry ... we're unable to offer assistance to individuals seeking advice about their own situation. We would however strongly urge you to contact a local advice centre to get the assistance you need. Maybe try advicelocal.uk/find-an-adviser to find an organisation in your area.

The small print

rightsnet is the operating name of Lasa Charity UK Limited, a registered charity in England and Wales. Charity Reg No: 800140. It is a private company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Company Reg No: 1794098. Registered office: 4th Floor, 18 St Cross Street, London EC1N 8UN. VAT No: 524965032

We’d love to hear from you

Do get in touch if you have a question we can help with, feedback on our services, or you'd like to discuss how we might be able to help you in your work.

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Follow us @ twitter.com/rightsnet

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Looking for advice?

If you need advice for yourself or someone you know, we have an advice directory where you'll find details of independent advice organisations across the UK that can help you get the advice and support that you need. They will usually be able to offer free advice and support, and help to answer any questions you have.

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