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We're sorry: If you are not eligible for access to our discussion forum, or do not have or are not taking out a subscription, we will not be able to register you with rightsnet.

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Name and email

Please provide your full name. This will only be used for subscription and site administration purposes.

This will be displayed next to any postings you make in the forum, and used for on-site messaging.

If you work for an organisation, we require you to use a work email address in registering with us.

Username and password

Please choose a username and password that you will use to access rightsnet. You must not let any other person access rightsnet using your username and password.

Case sensitive. Minimum of 3 characters. No spaces.

Case sensitive. Minimum of 5 characters. No spaces.

Discussion forum

We do not provide access to the forum for individuals seeking advice about their own benefit rights.

Please provide the following information if you want forum access. Registrations without full details will not be accepted.

Please enter (i) your team/dept and (ii) the name of your organisation (including its geographical location). This information will be displayed next to any postings you make in the forum.

Please read our privacy policy, about the use we make of the information you provide to us.