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Welfare rights

9 May, 2024

Administrative exercise to correct state pension payments has not uncovered widespread error caused by DWP’s failure to take action when notified of a claimant’s divorce

Permanent Secretary also says that in the majority of cases where there was an error relating to divorce 'it was due to the claimant not notifying the change of marital status'

9 May, 2024

DWP undertaking research to explore options for enabling appointees to complete PIP forms online

Evidence sought from local authorities, charities and support organisations to better understand appointees’ current processes and difficulties

9 May, 2024

CPAG Scotland ‘hugely encouraged’ by Scotland’s new First Minister’s child poverty pledge

Unlocking children from poverty is the moral thing to do, a legal duty and essential for our economic wellbeing, says CPAG Director John Dickie

9 May, 2024

Increase in the universal credit administrative earnings threshold in Northern Ireland from 13 May 2024

New statutory rule

8 May, 2024

Government launches consultation on removing option for child maintenance calculated by CMS to be paid through Direct Pay service

Consultation also proposes new CMS collection fees of 2 per cent of payments for receiving parents and compliant paying parents and 20 per cent for non-compliant paying parents

8 May, 2024

DWP launches online Access to Work service as part of ‘commitment to improve the lives of disabled people in the workplace’

Digitisation of process further modernises the programme and will make it easier to apply for help, says DWP Minister

7 May, 2024

Government announces the 15 areas that will trial its new WorkWell integrated health and work advice service from October 2024

Joint DWP and Department of Health and Social Care programme will connect almost 60,000 people to local support services so they can get the 'tailored help they need to stay in or return to work.'

7 May, 2024

PCS calls for jobcentres affected by security guard strikes to remain closed to ensure safety of DWP staff and the public

Demand comes as an estimated 1,000 G4S security staff in the GMB union who work on DWP sites start six days of action

7 May, 2024

Lords Committee criticises ‘inexplicable’ lack of data evaluating previous AET increases in light of new regulations that implement a further increase this month

Scrutiny Committee draws new regulations to the 'special attention' of the House and seeks oral evidence from DWP Ministers to explain the policy objective and wider impacts of the changes

3 May, 2024

DWP research finds little evidence that Sector-based Work Academy Programme has moved claimants directly into employment

Findings also reveal 'doubt about the magnitude of effectiveness' for employers in terms of filling vacancies

3 May, 2024

Household Support Fund grant allocations to local authorities in England for the 6 months to September 2024

Determination made by Secretary of State for Work and Pensions sets out the amounts to be received by individual councils and advises of general grant conditions

3 May, 2024

Scottish Government announces roll out of carer support payment to ten new local authorities, with national roll out to follow in November 2024

Draft regulations also extend eligibility to some 16-19-year-old carers in full-time 'non-advanced' education from 24 June 2024

3 May, 2024

Scottish Parliament calls on UK Government to urgently compensate women affected by DWP state pension age failures

Cabinet Secretary says compensation must be delivered now and in full despite DWP's refusal to act on Parliamentary Ombudsman recommendations

3 May, 2024

Welsh Government awarded almost 250,000 Discretionary Assistance Fund grant payments in 2023/2024

New statistics also show that the total value of payments for the year was more than £33 million

2 May, 2024

HMRC warns claimants that it is issuing tax credit renewal notices that may show predicted payments for 2025/2026 that are ‘automatically generated and should be disregarded’

While the vast majority of claims will be automatically renewed, HMRC adds that claimants receiving notices marked with a red stripe will need to check their information and renew their claim by 31 July 2024

2 May, 2024

Significant proportion of new claims are not being processed within planned timescales for DWP-administered benefits

Government confirms that while more than 96 per cent of state pension claims are processed on time, the figure falls to around 52 per cent for personal independence payment and 40 per cent for ESA

2 May, 2024

APPGs calls for NRPF condition to be strictly limited to five years for those on routes to settlement in the UK 

Report on UK migration system and poverty also recommends that the scope of NRPF should be reduced, for example to enable families with children to access child benefit and those in the most urgent need to access emergency welfare support

1 May, 2024

Permitting universal credit or pension credit claims where partner is self-sufficient EEA national relying on UK claimant’s legacy benefits

DWP issues guidance while waiting for Court of Appeal to hear its appeal against Upper Tribunal's decision in SSWP v WV

1 May, 2024

Less than 65,000 people with disabilities were helped into work by Work and Health Programme in period from April 2018 to November 2023

However, DWP Minister advises that Universal Support will help up to 100,000 people into work each year once fully rolled out