24 January, 2024
23 January, 2024
Current proposal that only those receiving compulsory treatment should be eligible doesn't reflect the severity of the issues faced by those with serious mental health issues and debt problems, says Committee
10 January, 2024
Views sought on issues including MaPS' role as a commissioner and funder of services, strategic issues in the sector, and support for debt advice staff
9 January, 2024
Energy regulator confirms that EDF, Octopus and Scottish Power have met conditions to restart installations, having completed audits to identify wrongfully installed meters and committed to reinstating non-prepayment methods and offering compensation
21 December, 2023
15 December, 2023
However, response to Select Committee fails to commit to action on recommendations relating to the introduction of a social tariff or to the updating of rules around eligibility for the cold weather payment
14 December, 2023
1 December, 2023
Select Committee says use of enforcement agents should always be a last resort and can never be justified for those who genuinely cannot afford to pay
30 November, 2023
We are Debt Advisers highlights urgent need to review funding levels to address increasing demand, low morale of advisers and recruitment and retention problems
24 November, 2023
Money Advice Trust responds to Ofgem announcement that cap will rise by more than £94 to £1,928 per year
24 November, 2023
Views sought on changes for period after March 2024 when Energy Price Guarantee support for those with prepayment meters expires
7 November, 2023
Scheme to offer low-cost equity loans to households where property is valued at no more than £300,000 and yearly income is no more than £67,000
18 October, 2023
New and updated Ofgem consumer standards also require suppliers to consider temporary debt repayment holidays 'where appropriate'
13 October, 2023
Responding to Ofgem's proposal to increase the energy price cap to help protect energy suppliers from high level of unrecoverable debt, Money Advice Trust says the government should step in instead
12 October, 2023
Drawn up by suppliers' trade body, Citizens Advice and Ofgem, new commitments include to proactively identify and support customers struggling to pay bills and provision of financial support such as debt write-offs and hardship funds
2 October, 2023
Applying across Great Britain, the DWP says this will allow the CMS to proceed quickly against parents who have failed to meet their obligations to pay child maintenance
27 September, 2023
Views sought on whether rising prices are exacerbating existing inequalities and what steps government and businesses could take in response
25 September, 2023
New report calls for package of targeted support for vulnerable groups, including payment of any unclaimed energy bills support from last year and working towards introducing a social tariff
22 September, 2023
Organisations that sign up to Enforcement Conduct Board's new scheme will commit to increased accountability and higher standards, and be 'subject to potential sanctions for breaches'
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