24 April, 2020 Open access
22 April, 2020 Open access
New guidance aimed at people who receive support via direct payments through personal budgets and personal health budgets, as well as local authorities and others who support and deliver care via direct payments
16 April, 2020 Open access
New plan sets out the government’s approach for all settings and contexts in which people receive adult social care
9 April, 2020
Idolo, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Bromley [2020] EWHC 860 (Admin)
7 April, 2020 Open access
New measures set out in Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that received Royal Assent yesterday
3 April, 2020 Open access
1 April, 2020 Open access
1 April, 2020
New statutory instrument
27 March, 2020 Open access
26 March, 2020 Open access
In addition, the Act allows local authorities that have not charged for care provision during the COVID-19 pandemic to charge retrospectively
24 March, 2020 Open access
COSLA guidance to be issued to support commissioners to work collaboratively to protect the resilience of the social care sector and ensure it remains operationally and financially viable
20 March, 2020 Open access
Leading community care law practitioner says that the Bill is the ‘most draconian legislation enacted since the Second World War’
17 March, 2020
New statutory instrument
16 March, 2020
Government confirms that capital limits and personal expenses allowances remain frozen
9 March, 2020
'We need action now, finally, to seek a solution that can support future generations', says Health and Social Care Secretary
4 March, 2020
North Yorkshire County Council’s delay prevented the woman's family from challenging the council’s assessment and calculations for more than a year
27 February, 2020
Investigation criticises Norfolk Council for leaving the care of an elderly man with dementia to his friend despite her repeatedly telling social workers she could not do it alone
26 February, 2020
However, MPs go on to reject motion to include free personal care in government's social care reform plans by 315 votes to 181
26 February, 2020
However, total value of grant will be maintained at 2019/2020 level of £160 million
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