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10 January, 2013

Consultation on security of tenure rights for Gypsies and Travellers in Wales

The Welsh Government launches consultation with proposals providing the same level of security of tenure for Gypsies and Travellers as other Welsh residents of Mobile Home Parks.

9 January, 2013

Up to 59 per cent of a typical London family’s income is spent on rents, says Shelter

Private rents cost more than 50 per cent of a family's monthly earnings in 23 out of the capital's 33 boroughs, reports bbc.co.uk.

9 January, 2013

NI Housing Executive to be abolished

The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is to be closed in major re-structuring move by the Department of Social Development, reports bbc.co.uk.

9 January, 2013

Repossession activity statistics

Department for Communities and Local Government publishes statistics that include information on mortgage arrears, repossessions, court actions and orders, and the Mortgage Rescue Scheme.

8 January, 2013

Phillips & Ors v Francis & Anor

[2012] EWHC 3650 (Ch)

7 January, 2013

Housing Minister launches training programme for social tenants

New £1.2m Tenant Training and Support Programme launched to give residents the skills they need to ensure they get the service they deserve and that landlords offer the best possible value for money.

7 January, 2013

Housing law update

Issue 294 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available.

4 January, 2013

1.4 million Britons falling behind with rent or mortgage payments

Shelter research shows that the number of people struggling to pay their rent or mortgage each month has increased by 44 per cent over the past year, to 7.8 million people.

2 January, 2013

Newham becomes first local authority in England to introduce compulsory landlord registration

BBC reports that landlords now have to declare criminal convictions and meet health and safety standards or face fine of up to £20,000.

2 January, 2013

New rights for the homeless come into force in Scotland

New legislation entitles anyone finding themselves homeless through no fault of their own to settled accommodation.

24 December, 2012

Rise in the number of homeless families in basic bed-and-breakfast accommodation in London

Official figure doubled between 2010 and 2011, and rose again in first six months of 2012.

24 December, 2012

Quarter of households in parts of UK overcrowded

1.06m households in England - almost 5% of the population - affected says Shelter.

21 December, 2012

Chartered Institute of Housing welcomes plan to phase in benefits cap

However, decision also creates a period of uncertainty for local authorities, housing providers and tenants, says CIH.

20 December, 2012

Welfare cuts threaten progress on tackling homelessness in Scotland, says Crisis

New Homelessness Monitor report examines the impact of the economic downturn and policy developments on homelessness in each of the countries of the UK.

20 December, 2012

Local authority housing statistics for England: 2011 to 2012

Department for Communities and Local Government publishes statistics on local authority housing stock; households on local authority housing waiting lists; local authority lettings; decent homes delivery; programme of work on Housing Revenue Account stock and local authority evictions.

20 December, 2012

27 per cent rise in homeless claims in Wales on previous year

Figures obtained by BBC Wales show more than 19,000 people claimed help from councils for homelessness, a rise for the second year running, reports bbc.co.uk.

20 December, 2012

Housing law update

Issue 293 of Garden Court Chambers' Housing Law Bulletin is now available

18 December, 2012

Freetown v Assethold Ltd

[2012] EWCA Civ 1657

18 December, 2012

New regulations published in relation to Council Tax

New statutory instruments published in relation to Council Tax.