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DWP fails to meet Information Commissioner deadline for possible benefit related deaths
New paper written by China Mills from City, University of London and John Pring from the Disability News Service:
Support to Advanced Customer Support Senior Leaders (ACSSLs) roles:
This answer was corrected some time in August. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has recorded 24 contacts related to possible suicides via its Coroner focal point since 2016, rather than 22 contacts.
Interesting research project:
Addendum now added to the ‘Billy’ Safeguarding Adults Review which relates to Errol Graham:
Stats on serious incidents in jobcentres:
Another PFD sent to DWP:
Worth noting the following: “I stress that I did not make a causal link between Mr Gale’s death and his anxiety about his Universal Credit application. DWP was not an Interested Person in Mr Gale’s inquest and did not give evidence as the concerns raised did not come to light until the hearing.”
The matters of concern were: “Current DWP procedures may not be practical for those with mental health illness and can exacerbate symptoms. I heard evidence that:
1. The number of and length of DWP forms required to be completed can be overwhelming for someone with a mental health illness. This is perpetuated if the applicant cannot get help to complete the paperwork.
2. There are long telephone queues to speak to a DWP advisor.
3. Having to travel long distances for appointments can be detrimental for those with a mental health illness.”
Presumably DWP will now carry out an Internal Process Review and refer the case to Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board.
[ Edited: 9 Nov 2023 at 09:29 am by Owen_Stevens ]EHRC letter to WPSC states:
• Disabled people in England and Wales have higher rates of suicide than non-disabled people. These trends may be linked to changes in benefits paid to disabled people.
• The benefits system may particularly affect the mental health of people with pre-existing mental health conditions.
The letter is here
The EHRC Monitor is here:
Hi all
I apologise for cross-referencing - But we are looking to update our policies and were wondering if anyone could help with legislation updates/threads on legacy benefits (WB) ; Universal credit, housing, debt, homelessness?
Any response and support is appreciated.
Thank you