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Old-style C-ESA, New-style C-ESA, Linking rules & NI Contributions

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The Terrence Higgins Trust

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I have the following query relating to old-style C-ESA, new style C-ESA, linking rules & NI Contributions.

I have a service user who is currently in receipt of old-style C-ESA. He will have been in receipt of old-style C-ESA for a number of years – since he claimed in September 2015.

He is currently undertaking some permitted work (and has done since around July 2020).

He is considering trying to work full-time and so will end his old-style C-ESA claim.

He does not receive any means-tested benefits (and so has no entitlement to a severe disability premium).

However, he is concerned as to whether he will be able to manage full-time in the work environment. My questions are:

1. If he is unable to manage full-time work and wants to reclaim C-ESA then he will not be able to make a fresh claim for old-style C-ESA. Is this correct?
2. If he makes a new claim for new-style C-ESA within 12 weeks of the previous claim for old-style C-ESA ending, will he be covered by the linking rules? I assume there is nothing that prevents the linking of periods limited capability for work if separated by less than 12 weeks to connect the old-style & new-style C-ESA so that he can rely on his NI contribution record from the claim he made in September 2015.
3. If he makes a new claim for new-style C-ESA more than 12 weeks after the claim for old-style C-ESA ended then he will have to rely on either of the 2 tax years prior to the benefit year in which he makes the new claim to satisfy the NI contribution conditions. Is this correct?

I hope I’ve explained his circumstances sufficiently and look forward to some clarification.

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The Terrence Higgins Trust

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Total Posts: 102

Joined: 7 September 2010

I’m just wondering if anyone has an answer to my enquiry. Would be really helpful if someone could provide an answer.

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Accountant, Haffner Hoff Ltd, Manchester

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1. Correct.

2. The linking rules will apply. (Art. 10 of the No. 9 Commencement Order)

3. Correct.

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The Terrence Higgins Trust

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Total Posts: 102

Joined: 7 September 2010

Thank you Charles.