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PIP and date of claim

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Financial inclusion manager - Wythenshawe Community Housing

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If a claimant doesn’t send the PIP2 form in on time and hasn’t applied for an extension will the date of claim just be taken as the date the form is returned? With DLA if the return date was missed this was the case but just wondering whether if the same is the case with PIP. Or is there any requirement to do the PIP1 bit on the phone again?


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Welfare rights service - Greenwich Council

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I have received a written response on this point to a Stage 2 PIP complaint I have raised.

“Our PIP computer system automatically issued the nil decision letter letter as it is registered to do so if no form is received.Unfortunately, I do not have figures on how many letters are generated by the system in this way.”

I find it horrifying that PIP decisions are being made by the computer system and that the address for disputing complaints is given as the Wolverhampton Mail Handling Unit.

To make matters worse in our case, the Part 2 form had been completed by the Pension Service Home Visiting Team who had completed the form for the customer at our request. The PIP nil decision letter acknowledged having received the form but could not accept it as it was out of time. The Pension Service said it was sent internally and were adamant that it was sent in time.My guess is that it simply sat in the Wolverhampton processing queue as it appears that there is no logging of when Part 2 forms are actually received.

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Financial inclusion manager - Wythenshawe Community Housing

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Yes that’s rubbish.

So if the PIP2 form is received outside of the time limit do they do anything with it or do they just ignore it if the computer generated decision letter saying they aren’t entitled has already been sent out?

Often by the time people get an appointment with someone to help complete the form the date will have passed. You can only get the 4 weeks extended by 2 weeks can’t you? So if someone turns up with an old form we can’t just complete it and send it in but would have to ring and do the PIP1 bit again, wait for the form and make another appointment? What a waste of time….


[ Edited: 24 Mar 2015 at 09:29 am by JoW ]
BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Don’t forget that those who have been tagged as needing ‘additional support’ can go on to assessment irrespective of whether they returned the PIP2

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Welfare rights adviser - Sefton Council, Liverpool

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Yes, it’s a complete waste of everyone’s time and reflects the way in which officials put the needs of the system before the needs of the citizen which it is there to serve.  On late receipt of the PIP 2 (providing it is received within one month of the SSA s8 decision on entitlement) the DWP can, and should, carry out an any ground revision (on their own initiative) under reg 5 of the UC and PIP, etc, D&A Regs and call the claimant for an assessment or write to the person’s G.P.  It aint complicated.