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Universal Credit roll-out to be complete by October 2017 - ten year’s ago today

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Came across this Guardian article from 10 year’s ago today.

Universal credit
Something has gone wrong with universal credit, the centrepiece of the welfare revolution. It may well be rectifiable and in October 2017 everyone on benefit in and out of work will be on universal credit, as Duncan Smith had always planned and insists will still happen.

But with the changes to the speed with which universal credit will be introduced, and to the kind of caseload that will be put into the system, it is difficult to be confident.

How innocent we all were…...

Too much, too fast: the government’s ‘welfare revolution’ starts to unwind

CHAC Adviser
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I remember I was training up a group of trainee advisers in around 2016 and was telling them that they needed to learn all this legacy benefits stuff in detail because despite Government claims to the contrary my opinion was we’d still be dealing with legacy benefits in the early 2020s. Turns out even that was optimistic considering their not talking about finishing off ESA until the mid/late 2020s!

What an utter farce.