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Election 2015

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tony pickering
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Hello Shawn

As well as the benefits section of the Green Party manifesto there are also some HB issues under their housing section - bedroom tax etc (see p44).


shawn mach


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Brilliant ... cheers Tony ... will add them in ....

Cheers - Shawn


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The SNP’s manifesto, published today, includes that the Party will -

- support a single-tier pension of £160
- vote to continue the state pension triple lock of a rise by inflation, earning or 2.5%, whichever is the higher
- vote to protect the winter fuel allowance
- oppose the abolition of savings credit
- seek a review of plans to raise the state pension age beyond 66
- oppose plans for further cuts to child benefit and tax credits
- vote to increase benefits at least in line with CPI inflation
- vote to block plans to cut disability living allowance by £3bn by 2017/2018
- support an increase in carer’s allowance so that it matches jobseeker’s allowance
- vote for the immediate abolition of the bedroom tax and use the £35m currently spend to compensate those affected on combating, and eventually eradicating, food poverty


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Rather pleasingly, I’ve also spotted that the SNP want to:

We will demand an urgent review of the conditionality and sanctions regime, in order to deliver an overhaul of the current, deeply ineffective arrangements, which impact on some of the most vulnerable in our society. The review will take particular account of the needs of people with mental health issues. We will seek to establish an approach that is proportionate and ethical, that recognises the particular challenges facing some individuals, and that avoids excessive or blanket measures which penalise those looking for work. The removal of cash benefits should be a last, rather than a first, resort.

shawn mach


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Cheers Paul ... our overview of the main Party manifestos has now been updated to include the SNP



editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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Sinn Fein’s manifesto, published yesterday, includes that it will -

- fully implement the welfare protection in the Stormont House agreement
- continue to oppose austerity and protect core public services such as health, education and welfare
-  seek the establishment of a Poverty Commission
- work to ensure pension credits are paid automatically
-  promote a pilot scheme to ensure maximum take-up of benefit entitlement for parents of children with
disabilities and for adults with complex needs


[ Edited: 21 Apr 2015 at 12:50 pm by Ros ]

editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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The DUP’s manifesto, published today, includes that it will -

- support the abolition of the bedroom tax
- support universal credit being allowed to bed down, enabling a proper evaluation of its impact
- oppose taxing disability benefits
- support the triple lock on the state pension
- oppose plans to means test pensioner benefits that are currently universal
- ensure that it protects those in need through the welfare system
- ensure economic migrants must have contributed to the UK before they are entitled to claim benefits;


[ Edited: 21 Apr 2015 at 12:48 pm by Ros ]
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The Alliance Party’s manifesto, published on 16 April 2015, includes that it will -

- abolish the bedroom tax
-  reform welfare assessments so that people with lifelong conditions do not need regular re-assessment
- provide specific assistance for disabled people and their employers to allow access to work, following the ‘Employability Programme for Deaf People’.
- support the implementation of an easier process for scrutiny and transparency of any private companies responsible for medical assessments for welfare by both legislation and procurement
- support removing onerous obligations being placed on people who are in receipt of benefits or for a lower rate of benefits for younger people.
- support paying housing benefit directly to landlords.
- support a wide-range of opportunities for recipients to re-skill or re-train.
- support a ‘yellow card’ system for benefit sanctions which would allow recipients the opportunity for an explanation and the introduction of more stringent requirements before a sanction is considered
- advocate for an increase in carer’s allowance.
- advocate moving to a position where a pension is paid on the basis of meeting residence requirements
rather than contributory requirements.
-  support an annual state pension uplift which is linked to inflation, prices and earnings, whichever is the highest
- support taking independent, objective analysis on the issue of the national pension liability, age of eligibility and how this affects long-term funding arrangements
- seek to balance the need for sustainable finances with the need to ensure people have a dignified retirement and time to adjust to any necessary changes in their pension provision


[ Edited: 21 Apr 2015 at 12:49 pm by Ros ]
Gareth Morgan
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Don’t forget the Whigs,  http://whigs.uk/manifesto/.

I’m actually quite taken with them overall but they need a bit of help with their benefits proposals.


editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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The Ulster Unionist Party’s manifesto includes that it will -

- ensure work pays in order to break the cycle of welfare dependency
- introduce a statutory duty on Departments to work towards eliminating child poverty


shawn mach


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Our overview of the welfare benefit pleges in the main party manifestos has now been updated to include the main NI parties too


Giles Elliott
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I’ve just published a blog post listing the benefit-related commitments made by the Conservatives, Labour, the Lib Dems, UKIP, the Greens, and (after some agonising as to whether to include them) the SNP. I apologise to other smaller parties but sadly I’ve run out of time…

I’ve arranged the post by issue, not party, so that it’s fairly easy to compare what each party says - or doesn’t say - about it.


I hope people find it to be another useful resource. If you do like it please let me know, using the comments section on the blog.

past caring
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ros - 21 April 2015 11:12 AM

The DUP’s manifesto, published today, includes that it will -

- support the abolition of the bedroom tax
- support universal credit being allowed to bed down, enabling a proper evaluation of its impact
- oppose taxing disability benefits
- support the triple lock on the state pension
- oppose plans to means test pensioner benefits that are currently universal
- ensure that it protects those in need through the welfare system
- ensure economic migrants must have contributed to the UK before they are entitled to claim benefits;


What about lesbians?

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He’s now fallen on his sword…

Jim Wells resigns as Northern Ireland health minister


editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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The Institute for Fiscal Studies has done an analysis of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour tax and benefits proposals including that -

‘Where benefit cuts are proposed, they are largely unspecified (Conservatives), vague (Liberal Democrats) or trivially small relative to the rhetoric being used (Labour).’


[ Edited: 28 Apr 2015 at 04:02 pm by Ros ]
shawn mach


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DWP draws up list of “controversial” benefit cuts in case next govt struggles to keep within cap on welfare spending ... leaked docs show plans for increases in the bedroom tax; benefit cuts for under 25s; and abolition of maternity pay


shawn mach


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Staying up tonight?

Here’s a list of expected declaration times ....


... plus, see attached for some DWP/Justice candidates to look out for

Image Attachments


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BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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At least we’re all going to be busy for the next 5 yrs whilst this latest bunch of grubbing sociopaths & racists carry on dismantling the welfare state

Peter Turville
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Billy Durrant - 08 May 2015 10:01 AM

At least we’re all going to be busy for the next 5 yrs whilst this latest bunch of grubbing sociopaths & racists carry on dismantling the welfare state

Assuming there’s any funding.

past caring
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Welfare Rights Adviser - Southwark Law Centre, Peckham

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And hardly surprising given the shower that passes for ‘opposition’.


BC Welfare Rights
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The Brunswick Centre, Kirklees & Calderdale

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Peter Turville - 08 May 2015 10:09 AM
Billy Durrant - 08 May 2015 10:01 AM

At least we’re all going to be busy for the next 5 yrs whilst this latest bunch of grubbing sociopaths & racists carry on dismantling the welfare state

Assuming there’s any funding.

Come pay or workfare I’ll be fighting the good fight as I am sure you will too Peter. Maybe IDS will get embroiled in a sex scandal, blow all his millions on the libel case,  lose his job, become unemployable, get turfed out of his freebie mansion, end up on Universal Credit, get nothing due to surplus earnings rules and end up maximising his economic choices at the foodbank. At least allow me to dream this might happen…

shawn mach


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you’ll have seen over the weekend -

- IDS back as Work and Pensions Secretery
- Michaeal Gove is new Justice Secretary
- DWP Minister for Disabled People Mark Harper to be Chief Whip, replacing Michael Gove


plus .. Conservatives to push forward on manifesto with plan to scrap Human Rights Act included in Queen’s speech on 27 May



shawn mach


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Priti Patel is to be Minister of State for Employment at the DWP

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So they’ve replace Esther McVey with someone who:

How Priti Patel voted on Welfare and Benefits

Voted strongly for reducing housing benefit for social tenants deemed to have excess bedrooms (which Labour describe as the “bedroom tax”)

Voted very strongly against raising welfare benefits at least in line with prices

Voted strongly against paying higher benefits over longer periods for those unable to work due to illness or disability

Voted very strongly for making local councils responsible for helping those in financial need afford their council tax and reducing the amount spent on such support

Voted very strongly for a reduction in spending on welfare benefits

Voted strongly against spending public money to create guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time unemployed

Next five years are going to be fun fun fun…..

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Deputy Manager, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit

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Don’t. We’re already contemplating a mass lemming-like plunge from local motorway bridge…

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Mental health & welfare rights service - Wolverhampton City Council

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Maybe my pitchfork stall at the forthcoming NAWRA might see some trade now… Flaming brands by special order; please feel free to inbox me.

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shawn mach


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Ros Altmann becomes Minister for Pensions @ DWP

(Not an MP, so she will become a peer)


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Justin Tomlinson has been appointed as Minister for Disabled People at the DWP.