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Reports and briefings


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581 documents match your filters.

14 June, 2021

BME workers on zero-hours contracts

Trades Union Congress

8 June, 2021

Breaks or breakdown

Carers UK

7 June, 2021

Disabled workers’ experiences during the pandemic

Trades Union Congress

7 June, 2021

Low Pay Britain 2021

Resolution Foundation

26 May, 2021

Set up to fail: Making it easier to get help with Universal Credit

Money and Mental Health Institute

13 May, 2021

State of Hunger 2021

Trussell Trust

11 May, 2021

Poverty in later life

Age UK

11 May, 2021

The benefit cap and domestic abuse


6 May, 2021

Social care 360

King’s Fund

5 May, 2021

Homelessness and rough sleeping in the time of COVID-19

London School of Economics

16 April, 2021

Covid-19 and Insecure Work

Trades Union Congress

15 April, 2021

Universal credit in a time of crisis

National Housing Federation

9 April, 2021

Benefit system increases homelessness

Homeless Link

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