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ESA (income based) and Permitted work

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benefit/debt advisor, double impact, nottingham

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Joined: 16 June 2010

Have met with a client today who is considering doing permitted work. My question is this. They are on ESA (income based) does the £20 earnings disregard apply or can they earn the full £99.50 without loss of ESA or Housing Benefit and council tax relief. The job they are considering is for 3 hrs a week paying £15p hr, so fits the criteria

I can’t get a clear answer from the books. There is lots of reference to ESA been protected along with InCap, but that Income Support is governed by normal earnings rule, so where does ESA (income based) fit?

i hope this is just a case of me not seeing the wood for the trees


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Welfare Rights, Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

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Joined: 16 January 2013

Earnings from permitted work are disregarded for CB and IB ESA, and for HB - see p293-296 of the CPAG handbook. But this disregard does not apply to IS.

The amount of the disregard is the earnings limit for whichever permitted work is being done (lower =£20, higher =£99.50) and it lasts for however long the permitted work is done for (lower is indefinite, higher is either 52 weeks or indefinite depending on which one is being done).

And ofc, permitted work done may give an insight to a Healthcare Professional on what a claimant is able to do on a typical day :O