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PIP- immigration status and PTT queries causing delays in issuing PIP2
Hi guys. I am encountering this problem more frequently recently: we call PIP and “register” the claim. We then wait for PIP2. I follow up with a client 2 or 3 weeks later- form has not arrived. After a further week or so, we call the helpline (adding to an already long queue). It then transpires that there are questions about immigr status or trips abroad. We are asked for a share code etc.
Without active chasing, I am not sure what would happen with such claims, because none of my clients who experienced the above issue received a call from the case manager or a letter, requesting the information.
So if we did not act, their claim would just sit there and wait for god knows what or who? Am just unlucky? Are other clients being contacted by DWP/PIP with these enquiries?
Anyone knows maybe what is the DWP internal process in cases of non-UK claimants or PPT queries?
I’ve had a few similar in the past 6 months but where the clients have been contacted. It has caused a delay in the PIP2 being sent out, but it has been.
I’m pleased to hear that some clients are contacted, because my recent experiences are that clients are not contacted to be asked for the info. Also, when we have provided passport or Home Office documents etc, nothing is done until we phone to chase up why PIP 2 not issued yet.
Yeah, this is why I have posted here, because I have not yet had a client with PPT or PIP related HRT enquiry who would be actively contacted by DWP. When we call them it like “oh yeah, we were going to ask you ....” but no evidence of taking any action.
We’ve been seeing the same thing for people who aren’t British born. PIP 2 forms aren’t arriving and they are only sending out the ID request form when we call up to chase. Then taking a while to assess the ID once it has been sent and we’ve had to call again to get the PIP 2 sent out. Have seen it for clients with a few different immigration statuses: refugee, indefinite leave and some British citizens who were born abroad. All were current DWP benefit claimants as well. Making it a blanket approach to call up now if forms haven’t been received after 3 weeks. One of those clients just got awarded PIP and did get a backdate to when we called up for PIP 1 though which was almost 9 months ago.
I had one today like that but a british citizen and the info they wanted is her marriage certificate because of the change of name.
We’ve seen similar with Pension Credit claims just getting stockpiled where there are right to reside or immigration aspects to the case. No information given to client but nothing seeming to be processed on the claim either and confused and contradictory responses when client or adviser chases.