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PIP Suggested answers
I recently attended a DWP course on PIP form filling when great emphasis was placed on using the STAR criteria in preparing the answers to the various activities I was told that STAR means
S = safely
T= Timely
A= Acceptable level
R = Reliably and repeatedly
Can anyone share stock answers for each of the PIP descriptors which incorporate the above
I recently attended a DWP course on PIP form filling when great emphasis was placed on using the STAR criteria in preparing the answers to the various activities I was told that STAR means
S = safely
T= Timely
A= Acceptable level
R = Reliably and repeatedlyCan anyone share stock answers for each of the PIP descriptors which incorporate the above
Arguably, its more nuanced than stock answers - that said have a look at the source below you’ll find it and much much much more in the resources bit of the Rightsnet dashboard
If only we could have stock answers! Unfortunately, even if we had a multitude of precedents to choose from, it would be so labour intensive choosing between them/amending them to match the claimant, that it wouldn’t be worth using them.
As Andy says, better to answer the questions on a case-by-case basis and develop some standard prompting questions to help get the full story from your client:
- so what happens when you try?
- tell me about pain, tiredness, loss of focus, things going wrong
- what does so-and-so do to help you to do that activity?
- tell me what you do when so-and-so is not available