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Digital tools will also be used to “track” attendance at job fairs and interviews under the tougher sanctions regime.
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it is being reported in the media, that the governments “plan” is to allow job coaches” to use digital tools to track people at job fairs etc. Does anyone know how they would do that?
will it for example be a condition of entitlement to put an app on your phone, indeed have a mobile phone capable of supporting apps. And if so, will you be sanctioned for going out without your phone?
Will it be a condition of entitlement that persons claiming benefit wear a ping-able badge, maybe shaped like a coloured triangle?
This was the only detail from yesterday’s announcement:
... to improve the existing sanctions process, the government is delivering a new function in the Universal Credit service that allows a work coach to track a claimant’s attendance at DWP organised job interviews or job fairs. This tool will provide work coaches with better evidence on a claimant’s work search activities and ensure that claimants who do not attend mandatory appointments without a good reason, are sanctioned.
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Logically it would surely just involve integrating location tracking into the UC Journal? On what we’ve seen over the years few work coaches would possess the skill set to do much beyond reading the journal given the poor quality of training and tools they’re sent out into the world with.
Quite like the idea of badges which light up with the words “I’m on the run from JCP.” 😊
lost in Granite - 17 November 2023 03:01 PMDoes anyone know how they would do that?
You’ll have in your wallet at least one card from some chain store or other with a barcode or QR code on it which you can scan at the till to get a discount in exchange for having your purchases tracked. Same idea - either you scan it on your way in and out or at each stall you visit. No apps required (although an app would work too).
I know there is sport in getting all ‘1984’ about it, but it’s a pretty benign idea achievable using ancient technology.
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Elliot Kent - 21 November 2023 06:22 PMI know there is sport in getting all ‘1984’ about it, but it’s a pretty benign idea achievable using ancient technology.
Whilst my comment was light-hearted and not any to be taken as a serious suggestion that we are on the verge of some Orwellian nightmare, I do fail to see how a change that will facilitate sanctioning of claimants (or in general make it easier for the state to monitor and track the population) is in any way ‘benign’?
[ Edited: 22 Nov 2023 at 11:08 am by past caring ]forum member
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I’m absolutely not seeing that scanning or extra tech. will be a part of this.
I also agree that this is anything but benign as ideas go, whether we’re talking about the principle or the technology.
Elliot Kent - 21 November 2023 06:22 PMYou’ll have in your wallet at least one card from some chain store or other with a barcode or QR code on it which you can scan at the till to get a discount in exchange for having your purchases tracked. Same idea - either you scan it on your way in and out or at each stall you visit. No apps required (although an app would work too).
But that would mean equipping every stand at a job fair and every employer with the scanning equipment and comms ability. Neither trivial nor inexpensive.
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Senior welfare rights officer - Salford City Council Welfare Rights Service
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Assuming this happens, which is a significant leap at present, the cheapest option will be the one engaged.
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It might just be a sign-in sheet/tablet and a tick box in their UC account…
I.e. I’m assuming the innovation is just a modification to the existing IT-system, not any new tech/device.
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Senior welfare rights officer - Salford City Council Welfare Rights Service
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Hilariously bad really given the increasing infrequence with which work coaches are able to check any journal. Presumably flags red on their ever growing to do list.