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New DWP guidance for ESA WRAG claimants on sanctions

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shawn mach


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JP 007
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Nice to have a conclusion to a story like this, it gives a good insight to the machinations of the DWP publication department. They should also add that the stories aren’t real or even remotely informative about how the sanctions will hit the poor claimant.

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Interesting to note the complete absence of being given an Action Plan (a statutory requirement don’t forget) in relation to the steps you agree to undertake with your Work Coach.

Has anyone seen one of the fabled ESA Action Plans ever?

Benny Fitzpatrick
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“The people in this fact sheet aren’t real”.  Ergo they are not “facts”!

So the DWP admit that their “fact sheets” are not, in fact (haha) factual?

Didn’t I read somewhere once that IDS was “not overly concerned with facts”. His malady appears to be infecting the entire department.

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I think if we know anything about IDS, it’s his lack of concern over facts…

...or ethics, reality, logic…

...probably best to stop there

BC Welfare Rights
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Paul_Treloar_CPAG - 07 August 2015 12:35 PM

Has anyone seen one of the fabled ESA Action Plans ever?

I have found that claimants rarely get a copy but the Jobcentre will usually have them on its system and will provide them if asked. The attached is one I obtained and used for a late SG appeal, it was useful as it contained evidence collaborating the client’s claim that the WRA he was forced to do exacerbated his physical & mental health problems.

The entry on 08.03.13 regarding the possibility of obtaining a “special chair” was useful in demonstrating the WRA Provider’s inability to meet simple requests for adaptions. When he raised it with them they told him that there was no budget for a special chair but if he got uncomfortable he could put 3 chairs alongside each other and lie on them!

The judge was suitably unimpressed and commented in the decision that “..the DWP did not arrange special measures to address his physical problems. Although this evidence was after the date of the decision it does support the findings of the Tribunal”.

[ Edited: 7 Aug 2015 at 04:36 pm by BC Welfare Rights ]

File Attachments

BC Welfare Rights
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shawn - 07 August 2015 11:50 AM

(Includes a note: ‘The people in this fact sheet aren’t real’)

It has also changed the ‘all employers need a CV’ bit to “most employers like to see one”

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Billy Durrant - 07 August 2015 04:30 PM
Paul_Treloar_CPAG - 07 August 2015 12:35 PM

Has anyone seen one of the fabled ESA Action Plans ever?

I have found that claimants rarely get a copy but the Jobcentre will usually have them on its system and will provide them if asked. The attached is one I obtained and used for a late SG appeal, it was useful as it contained evidence collaborating the client’s claim that the WRA he was forced to do exacerbated his physical & mental health problems.

The entry on 08.03.13 regarding the possibility of obtaining a “special chair” was useful in demonstrating the WRA Provider’s inability to meet simple requests for adaptions. When he raised it with them they told him that there was no budget for a special chair but if he got uncomfortable he could put 3 chairs alongside each other and lie on them!

The judge was suitably unimpressed and commented in the decision that “..the DWP did not arrange special measures to address his physical problems. Although this evidence was after the date of the decision it does support the findings of the Tribunal”.

Thanks Billy.

shawn mach


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The Independent has now picked up on the story re the guidance being replaced

DWP admits making up quotes by ‘benefit claimants’ saying sanctions helped them


editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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The DWP has now taken down the revised version and says - ‘We are reviewing this publication’ -



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Stephen Timms MP, Labour’s Acting Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary says -

‘You couldn’t make it up – but it seems Iain Duncan Smith can. The only way he can find backers for his sanctions regime is by inventing them. Instead of fabricating quotes pretending the system is working, he should scrap unfair sanctions targets for jobcentre staff and do more to protect vulnerable people from facing benefit sanctions.’



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#fakeDWPstories now trending on twitter. Some pearlers on there….

* Thank you, ATOS and DWP - so-called consultant surgeons said my degenerative disease was incurable but now I’m Fit For Work!

* When the #ILP was cut, I was confined to my home in an old scrapyard. Forced to build a bionic exosuit, now I fight crimes!

* Having benefits stopped helped me get over my obsession with eating, my electricity addiction & the urge to sleep indoors.

* After being sanctioned I was inspired to make a functional origami wheelchair with my letter from IDS. Just what I needed.

* “Losing my home when my ESA stopped gave me the opportunity to start living in a tent.Its an all year round camping holiday”

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Im hoping my boss will sanction my wages for a month or so.

It may then motivate and encourage me to become boss of British Gas…......

Or something…....

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Kudos to JP007 who called this first on 30/7/15.