We'd love to hear from you, for example if you have a query or comment about rightsnet ... please get in touch using the form below.
Please note however that -
we're not able to offer casework support. If you're an advice worker with a casework query, do post a message in our discussion forum to connect with other advisers across the UK.
if you're looking for information about your own rights or entitlements, we'd strongly urge you to contact a local advice centre to get the help and support that you need.
Subscriptions and finance
If you have a subscription query or a question about an invoice or payment, please contact us at: finance@rightsnet.org.uk and we'll get straight back to you
Want to make a complaint?
We don't look on complaints as unwanted. In fact, they may help us to see where our services or procedures might be improved. For more information, please see our complaints policy and procedure.
Find an adviser
If you're looking for information about your own rights or entitlements, we'd strongly urge you to contact a local advice centre to get the help and support that you need.