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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance

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RtR -pregnancy and dependant issues
Hello all, Just a couple of issues on right to reside 1. Has anyone had success with a case of an EEA worker who left employment due to pregnanc
pclc19-Jun-07 11:56 PM
by pclc
Advance claims / HRT .... Lords debate on the Bhakta changes
'interesting' exchange in the Lords yesterday on a proposal for the revocation of the Social Security, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Mi
shawn19-Jun-07 11:20 AM0318
Mortgage Interest Relief - notifiable changes?
Here's the background to a fairly complicated case: Client was living with his (male)partner for several years. Did not inform DWP that he was liv
ali l19-Jun-07 10:34 AM
by ali l
Overpayment of I.S
Hi all I've just received the submission regarding my client and an o/p of I.S. She claimed I.S in July 05 and included her partner who had different
ljl18-Jun-07 06:44 PM0389
A8 national and sickness
Is there any point in appealing a decision not to award Income Support to a Polish national. She has been here for years but only legally registered
ASH18-Jun-07 04:29 PM
by T Samuel
Prisoners and IS - notification
Quick question that I can't find an answer to anywhere. When a person is arrested and remanded in custody, whose responsibility is it to tell the DWP
ali l15-Jun-07 11:57 AM
by ali l
IS & the disability premium
I have a young man who is entitled to DLA, HRM & HRC & lives alone etc. He was claiming SSP from his employer, unfortunately his employer sent his SS
Val4715-Jun-07 11:20 AM
by nevip
Major clanger by DWP
Thought i'd make everyone smile with this one: Client came to office with an overpayment letter regarding Income Support to tune of £19,000....yes
ljl14-Jun-07 11:52 AM
by bensup
gift to pay off mortgage counted as capital?
hello there - wonder if anyone can advise My client receives income support - her mother in law wants to gift £11k to pay off mortgage - client cal
maria at dial14-Jun-07 09:48 AM0345
Contribution based JSA
Is pay in lieu treated in the same way as for JSA income based? Info system that I use hints at a problem.Cpag seems to suggest that the treatment is
frodo11-Jun-07 05:54 PM
by ariadne2
Income Support backdating for refugees
I note from the Borders & Immigration (IND)website http://www.ind.h omeoffice.gov.uk/law andpolicy/refugeeint egration/integration loan that Integr
julian08-Jun-07 02:43 PM
by shawn
1984 and here comes Orwell
This is a lulu. Client went to brothers over christmas after being told by JC+ that didnt have to sign. Came back to be told should have signed, n
Semitone07-Jun-07 04:27 PM
by Andy Hamilton
Amount of overpayment
I have a client with an Income Support overpayment. He failed to disclose that he owned property, and so he was over the capital limit. He has bee
jaykay07-Jun-07 12:20 PM0394
JSA and human rights act
My client was refused IBJSA due to his wife's deemed income from a student loan. However wife did not apply for the loan because Islam prohibits paym
ruth c05-Jun-07 05:10 PM
by SLloyd
JSA and actively seeking work
I’ve got a JSA appeal for the first time in ages and would like to know of any caselaw that night help. My client had his JSA stopped because he wasn’
ruthch01-Jun-07 02:03 PM0390
Problems with new claims for ICB/IS after failed PCA
I have clients who are being told to claim JSA when they reclaim ICB/IS after the 6 month period has elapsed. One was told she could not claim ICB eve
garym6501-Jun-07 01:38 PM
by garym65
section 20 payments from social services ...
howdo all on this bleak wednesday afternoon ? :) as my title suggests i have a cl. who is receiving "kinship" payments from social services of £60.
Sayo01-Jun-07 12:44 PM
by Sayo
Right to Reside
Can someone confirm or otherwise my view on this. I find this a very difficult subject with more questions than answers (that's not the bit I want con
PaulW01-Jun-07 11:21 AM
by PaulW
SDP & Temporary Accommodation
Difference of opinion in the office regarding a Cl who suffered housefire and has been given temporary hotel accommodation by the Housing Dept while a
Margie01-Jun-07 09:43 AM
by Margie
NASS payments and JSA
If one of a couple is claiming IB JSA for himself only and his wife is getting NASS for herself and her child (at £88.86 per week) and they are living
southwest31-May-07 03:45 PM0251
Income Support and Capital
I have a case under appeal which I am struggling to find an argument for. My client, in her late 50's had a balance of £12000 to pay off her mortgage
Steve_Connell29-May-07 09:11 AM
by past caring
Income support backdate
My college has come up with one I carnt get my head around. Clent working claiming TC then has a breackdown and ends up in hospital on release from
Phil Wiley25-May-07 11:35 AM
by Tony Bowman
Waiting period for Housing Costs.
I've never been asked this question before and although I've checked the reference books, I can't find the answer. This is a person who currently i
paddyhill25-May-07 11:32 AM
by nevip
Re: R(SB)17/81, R(G) 3/71
Hello I hope someone can help, I have looked for the above reported decisions but have been unable to find them online. Can anybody point me in
SARLOUALD25-May-07 10:02 AM
Overpayment of IS
I have a lady who claims IS, DLA HRM,MRC, this gives her the disability premium and the severe disability premium. Her sister who lived in Spain was
Val4724-May-07 01:03 PM
by past caring
IS overpayment query
Help required please Does anyone now if there is a rule/policy for sending out review forms for Income Support? I have an overpayment case going ba
Derbyshire22-May-07 09:39 AM
by Derbyshire
Income Support backdated payments reg 21zb
My client had been granted political asylum on 5/11/03. The letter was received by solicitors on 6/11/03 and client was notified on 21st November 200
Sumera17-May-07 12:02 PM
by nevip
Date of claim (intention to claim) and telephone claims.
Reg 6 (1A) Claims and Payments regs problem.... The reg basically provides that a claim will run from the date of the appropriate office receiving
past caring17-May-07 07:21 AM
by claire hodgson
Coffins and Funeral Grant from the Social Fund.
Hi In Barnsley the Social Fund Grant for a funeral doesn’t cover the cost of a basic funeral. In fact, it falls a few hundred pounds short. While
p.e.t.e15-May-07 01:43 PM
by ASH
Reg 21ZB... 28 days of receipt
The LASA appeals team have decided to spend Friday afternoon chatting about when the 28 days to make a claim for IS following grant of refugee status
Martin_Williams14-May-07 09:36 AM
by nevip