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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance

Topic Author Last updated date Replies Views
Client trying to claim JSA severe hardship. Has been living at hostel since mid-Feb, went to appointment with JCP under 18s section mid-March. Was r
Lostdog02-Apr-07 12:04 PM
by Lostdog
Reduced Rate Income Support pending appeal
Hi there - It has always been my understanding that you can receive redcued rate Income Support until the final determination of an appeal - including
lawriej30-Mar-07 01:55 PM
by lawriej
Need for partner to have NINO for IS/IBJSA
Hello all, Have a client who is a British Citizen. She has a partner who is an Asylum Seeker. They have one child together. He has been unable t
Ashella30-Mar-07 12:19 PM
by Dan_manville
It is clear that the client has a duty to inform the office dealing with each relevant benefit of a relevant change of circs (i.e. clients cannot rely
BrianSmith30-Mar-07 09:30 AM
by judithH
IS and suspension of payment
Hi all, This may be a straightforward enough issue, but I'm having trouble finding the answer. Claimant' s IS is suspended while a valuation is o
Big Lee29-Mar-07 03:39 PM
by judithH
I.S. And direct Payments from Social Services
Unusual case where our client is to receive direct payments via Social Services for providing care to his disabled wife. The payments have been approv
PeteD28-Mar-07 12:47 PM
by wwr
I have just had a client who has only been on JSA since 25/12/2006 - does anybody know whether he is mandatory required to attend a New Deal, Gateway
nianne_li_828-Mar-07 08:48 AM
by nianne_li_8
Residential School and premiums
Can anyone help me with this query please. I have received an enquiry about an 18 year old boy who is attending a residential school for people with d
Sue Holman26-Mar-07 12:17 PM
by Euan_Henderson
return to work credit
My client is receiving RTWC. Jobcentreplus website describes it ;Return to Work Credit is a payment of £40 a week for people starting work of at least
Feruza26-Mar-07 09:05 AM
by Feruza
Income support & endowerment policy
Hi I have a client who wishes to cash in her endowerment policy to pay off some of her mortgage.. I think this will still be treated as assessable
badger23-Mar-07 08:19 PM
by ariadne2
Client with Dementia in rapid decline needing help
I have been approached by our Learning Disabilities Team with a question I can't answer, so would be grateful for any help. They have a client with
chrisduran22-Mar-07 09:02 PM
by ariadne2
Young people estranged from parents needing Housing contract
Can anyone please help with this Client is young person aged 18 estranged from parents etc no question they should be entitled but Jobcentre plu
chrisduran22-Mar-07 07:08 PM
by dcarlin
JSA sanction, dismissed drink driving
Hi, Client worked as driver, 2 years, lost drivers licence through drink driving , offence out of work.. Employer summarily dismissed. Had sanct
fulham21-Mar-07 08:34 AM
by Patrick_Mc
Can you get any worse than this?
Client moved address and notifed, in writing, the BDC at Canterbury. Several weeks later the BDC wrote to client, AT HER NEW ADDRESS, withdrawing I.S
Tony Bowman19-Mar-07 12:18 PM
by Dan_manville
Income Support for 19 year old?
Hi I was hoping someone could help me clear this up. I have a client who is 19 years old. She is at college full time (A-Level equivelent course) and
HIT16-Mar-07 12:15 PM
by BrianSmith
re: living together
hi i have a client who i have represented before on an overpayment case. basically this client had an overpayment for a period when he and his friend
salma15-Mar-07 09:02 PM
by ariadne2
sorry to ask this again but ...
a clients partner / husband was imprisoned. if a persons spouse is imprisoned and this forces them to claim i.s, can this be treated as abandonment
Sayo15-Mar-07 09:13 AM
by Sayo
R2R = Headache
Have a cl and a tricky situation, as follows: Cl came to UK in May 2004 from Portugal and is Portuguese and worked until Sept 2004 when she claimed
roecab313-Mar-07 01:12 PM0361
A8 national and broken employment
A a8 national has done a few months work and then falls ill for two weeks. He can't get SSP becuase he only earns £80 per week can he claim IS for thi
Damian12-Mar-07 08:11 PM
by ariadne
I have a client with an IS appeal. The appeal submissions include this: <i>"The representative avers that she is assisted by the ECJ decision in
benj12-Mar-07 11:42 AM
by pclc
section 117 repayments treated as capital
People who are in residential care homes under section 117 of the mental health act and were only getting “pocket money” were given the rest of thei
penny newell09-Mar-07 12:18 PM
by judithH
Backdating benefits for refugees
Can anybody tell me if this has now stopped? Thanks Ali x
ali l08-Mar-07 11:47 AM
by shawn
Bereavement Premium
Does anyone know the new rate for the Bereavement Premium form April 07 - it is not in the information released by the DWP.
chrisatkcc06-Mar-07 02:17 PM
by chrisatkcc
Right to Reside
I wanted some feedback on a Right to Reside case and I was hoping that Tim Samuel if he happens to read this can respond but any views might be helpfu
cliff06-Mar-07 12:49 PM
by cliff
diminishing capital calculations
Hi there I have a client with a huge IS OP due to failure to declare capital and DWP has produced a diminishing capital calculation. Funn ily eno
ariadne05-Mar-07 02:39 PM0461
Right to Reside Appeals
Could anyone who deals with and/or represents at the above appeals email me off line - via the Rightnet email link
mike shermer05-Mar-07 09:15 AM0387
Greek Nationals
(Edited to remove capitals) I'm looking for some advice on how to proceed with client who has been living in the uk since August 2006 with his wife
cathmac02-Mar-07 12:15 PM
by cathmac
standard interst rate for housing costs
hi peeps Does anyone have a list of all standard mortgage interest rates since 1995? It must be out there somewhere: I just can't find it and don't
ariadne01-Mar-07 05:47 PM
by ariadne
adult learner grant vs JSA- part time student
This is as much of a whinge as a query- but would appreciate if anyone has any suggestions. 22 year old was on ibJSA but is keen to improve her posit
glenys01-Mar-07 01:04 PM
by nevip
No recourse to public funds, spouse in prison
Co-worker asks the following, Clt came to UK as a spouse 8 months ago, married British Citizen in Yeman 3 years ago, has two children, lives with pens
DJ Evans28-Feb-07 04:30 PM
by DJ Evans