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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #4017

Subject: "IS overpayment query" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Rights Officer, Derbyshire County Council Welfare Rights Service
Member since
25th May 2005

IS overpayment query
Fri 18-May-07 09:56 AM

Help required please

Does anyone now if there is a rule/policy for sending out review forms for Income Support? I have an overpayment case going back to 1999 and the DM has referred to the original A1 completed at that time but I am fairly sure that there would have been regular follow-up forms over the ensuing years and my (admittedly dodgy) memory tells me that they used to be issued annually or thereabouts.

Any thoughts? If there were follow-up/review A1s issued then of course these should be in the papers as well because unless the alleged misrepresentation occurs on those as well the DM's case is rather iffy.




Replies to this topic
RE: IS overpayment query, jj, 18th May 2007, #1
RE: IS overpayment query, Derbyshire, 22nd May 2007, #2


welfare rights adviser, saltley & nechells law centre birmingham
Member since
21st Jan 2004

RE: IS overpayment query
Fri 18-May-07 03:51 PM

they had a mix of postal reviews and review visits, using form A2. my also dodgy memory is of various review periods, but mainly annual. review visits were frequently abandoned for pressure of work when resources were tight, but weren't supposed to be abandoned more than two consequtive years.. then there was a period in the mid 90s when they were visiting everything to find benefit savings...
couldn't say what was happening in practice from 1999 onwards...but i doubt they would have relinquished the review policy...

you might need to ask about reviews (dates of) or even request a dreaded full record print. there should be a review dates screen - some dates are set by the user (U) some by the system(S) and i'd expect the A2 review date to be a system set date. you can also check on the 'forms' screen-print - the issue of A2 should be recorded.




Welfare Rights Officer, Derbyshire County Council Welfare Rights Service
Member since
25th May 2005

RE: IS overpayment query
Tue 22-May-07 09:39 AM

Thanks, JJ. I shall take your advice and ask for the dreaded printout.



Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #4017First topic | Last topic