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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance

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Right to reside
An A8 national, single parent working less than 12 months goes off sick and has been advised to claim IS. I've got a feeling that this is going to co
nevip19-Jul-07 02:34 PM
by nevip
Carers and housing costs
I've just come across someone who has submitted an IS claim and has mortgage costs taken out since Oct 1995. His wife claims CA and my understanding i
allanr19-Jul-07 09:58 AM0325
A8 and right to reside (again)
Ok, I don't get many of these so I will be the first to admit I'm a bit fuzzy on some of this stuff so any pointers that any one can offer would be mu
SLloyd18-Jul-07 04:56 PM
by SLloyd
very interesting set up / set of circs ...
have cl. who is uk citizen and last lived in uk 01/02. since then has lived in norway with norwegian husband, and they have 2 children who have norwe
Sayo18-Jul-07 02:05 PM
by Sayo
Income Support
My client is a Portuguese national who came to live in the UK in 1994 with her daughter. She worked from 1994-1996 and paid tax and national insurance
Prasann Sharma18-Jul-07 12:07 PM
by Prasann Sharma
IS and maintenance
Hi, here's a good Friday afternoon query for you. Absent parent pays CSA £340pm who subsequently pay my client. Client has had CSA overpayment deci
suelees17-Jul-07 04:14 PM
by suelees
IS and 6th formers
Am currently dealing with a brother and sister. Sister is 17, and brother has just finished y11. Sister is in FT education until next June, when she
karen113-Jul-07 01:14 PM
by wwr
Housing Costs
I have a client whose husband was claiming IBJSA and had been for at least two years. Within the applicable amount was an element for housing costs. C
roecab312-Jul-07 10:14 AM
by jj
Re: A little local difficulty?
is anyone else having problems with IS claims made on separation from partner being turned down on the (non-evidential) basis that separation is tempo
jj11-Jul-07 01:18 PM
by jj
Hi, I'm looking for a copy of R(SB)10/81. Does anyone have a copy or know of a link on internet? Kind regards, Cheryl
CK10-Jul-07 12:09 PM
by CK
earnings disregard
Hello to anyone who can offer advice on the following: I have a client who has Asylum in the UK. & claims JSA for himself & his wife. Works occais
ca10-Jul-07 10:18 AM
by ca
Income Support, housing costs and term time working?
Hi guys, Help!!! I have a case which is really bugging me and I am hoping you can shed some light?? Client is a single parent, currently in rece
adviceshop06-Jul-07 10:17 AM
by nevip
Probate and capital
I've got a nasty notional capital case that might turn on these questions... Can a grant of probate be undermined by a verbal agreement akin to an
Dan_manville05-Jul-07 03:38 PM
by claire hodgson
Who can claim IS?
Can someone put my mind at rest? Client in receipt of IB, partner gets cbJSA. Anything to prevent client claiming IS?
suewelsh05-Jul-07 07:24 AM
by mike shermer
R2R portuguese client
Hi, hoping for some assistance here. Portuguese client with two children in full time education. Client came to UK as a worker in 1996. She was employ
ljl03-Jul-07 08:10 AM
by Derekbell
Income Support and Right to Reside
I have a client who is a Polish National, she came to live here on 30.03.05 and found work on 20.06.05 she was registered on workers registration sche
wirral02-Jul-07 01:19 PM
by elane
j.s.a stopped due to interest in a former marital home ...
howdo ? :) have a cl. whose j.s.a ceased 04/04/07 because she has an interest in her former marital home which her former hisband still occupies. h
Sayo29-Jun-07 11:51 AM
by Sayo
capital of a child
My client has a transitional IS claim. The PA for her child has been stopped after he received a payment for personal injury well in excess of the lim
Tony Bowman28-Jun-07 05:03 PM
by Tony Bowman
Mum and dad split up, dad was in receipt of the CB and has apparently not relinquished it, while the child lives with mum. Mum claimed IS as a lone pa
BrianSmith28-Jun-07 04:09 PM
by 1964
j.s.a suspension whilst claim is investigated ...
a very good tail end of the week to all :) this could be a bit long winded but ... i have a cl. aged 24, with learning difficulties, who was in
Sayo28-Jun-07 01:55 PM
by Sayo
Bereaved partner's Income Support
My client's partner of 30 years died in March 2007. Before his death he had been in receipt of Income Support and he claimed for my client as his part
ClareHC28-Jun-07 12:40 PM
by claire hodgson
Right to reside
Hi, need some help on this one please, I so rarely see anyone other than British nationals that I have forgotton all I knew from my days of working
Shuv28-Jun-07 10:01 AM
by Shuv
1yo lad in year 12 at school, lived with grand parent who claimed CB. Lad thrown out permanently 4wks ago, now living with friend's parents. Grand pa
BrianSmith27-Jun-07 02:08 PM
by BrianSmith
Income Supprort overpayment from 18 years ago
I have a client who had an overpayment of Income Support from 1989/90. The overpayment went through the County Court and the client repaid it in full.
DANMAP27-Jun-07 08:07 AM
Notional income, teacher training work placement hours and Income support
Hope you can help with this one! Have a cl who is on IS wants to do a PART TIME teacher training course which involves some placement hours which can
cgale26-Jun-07 08:05 PM
by ariadne2
New Deal, basic skills test and clients with principles
My very angry young client has to attend a New Deal training course with an outside company which is the only one with which local JCP office has a co
suelees26-Jun-07 10:31 AM
by suelees
IS owed after HMRC overpay tax credits
Am I barking up the wrong tree here? Cl lost job Aug 06, was getting WTC, so informed HMRC, claimed IS from local DWP (who incidentally, cl said, s
PaulW26-Jun-07 10:05 AM
by PaulW
The offices of the Right to Reside DM's at Wick
http://www.caithness .org/atoz/wick/girni goestreet/benefitsag ency.jpg I think they look suitably austere. Hard to see it for the thriving centre of
Martin_Williams26-Jun-07 09:32 AM
by past caring
Treatment of income paid in arrears
My client, who is in receipt of IS, became eligible for assistance with Housing Costs after 39 week waiting period. He had a mortgage protection polic
ab25-Jun-07 02:13 PM
by ariadne2
re: Comissioners decisions
hi guys Does anyone have access to these decisions: Regina (D) v. Secretary of State for Work and Pensions EWCA Civ 1468 CJSA/700/2007
salma20-Jun-07 10:26 AM0286