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DWP fails to meet Information Commissioner deadline for possible benefit related deaths
WPSC report, Health assessments for benefits
Of particular relevance to this thread:
- para.24, data on deaths and serious harms
- para.34, safeguarding, awareness and training
- para.117, advocacy
- annex 1, summary of survey responses
Tracked Internal Process Review recommendations:
The response letter lists the fields tracked as part of DWP’s IPR tracking as follows:
• Ref Number
• IPRG date
• Status
• Key Finding
• Action for IPRG
• Case(s)
• Product Line
• Owner
• Owner Business Area
• Improvement under way
• High Level Update
• Notes
I’ve attached the previous FOI response here (not available on whatdotheyknow), I’ve split it into two due to Rightsnet rules on the size of uploaded attachments. This enables a comparison of progress.
Readers may also have seen recent reporting of an FOI response to DNS (and I think George Greenwood at The Times may have gotten a similar response):
File Attachments
- DWP_response_following_ICO_DN_(002).pdf (File Size: 85KB - Downloads: 648)
- Annex_A_(redacted)_following_DN_1.pdf (File Size: 3485KB - Downloads: 703)
Second half of annex A
File Attachments
- Annex_A_(redacted)_following_DN_2.pdf (File Size: 3417KB - Downloads: 707)
Some news stories from DNS:
Nottingham City’s SAR, mentioned in the stories, is here:
- DWP accepts the recommendation in the Errol Graham SAR
- an explanation from DWP as to why the 2014 documents were not provided to the reviewer
- Tom Pursglove will meet with Rethink and a representative of bereaved families
Following on from the last post - Tom Pursglove mentioned in the Commons that PHSO looks into cases where there have been failures. There’s been a recent PHSO decision involving FTA WCA ending ESA without applying safeguarding procedures and a claimant being left without sufficient food as a result.
Confusingly PHSO refer to DWP having sanctioned the claimant although I can’t see that the case involves sanctioning at all.
I feel like the reasoning at 52-54 of ‘findings’ is something I’ve seen before from the PHSO but I don’t have time to trawl past decisions to check whether I’m right about that.
There’s also a reference to the six point plan not being followed but, because the claimant didn’t ask PHSO to look into this, the PHSO did not consider the issue.
IPRs, the proposed s.23 agreement, and various other things:
Owen_Stevens - 06 January 2022 04:21 PMThe following are links to PFDs sent to DWP regarding the Child Maintenance Service and the Health and Safety Executive:
Info on IPRs and Serious Case Panel at pp.64 & 66 of the web-ready PDF
Deadline 13/10/23