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Universal Credit Local Support Services Framework - Aaargh
“Section 3: What services will be needed?
The existing benefits system already calls for a number of services to be provided locally for claimants. Many of these will continue.
It is anticipated that the demand for services will change; some will decline, (for example the extensive advisory service needed to serve the complicated network of existing benefits)....”
also, interestingly, dwp proposing outcome based funding to local authorities for their digital inclusion and money advice services to claimants….
heres a link to doc -
rightsnet news story to follow.
Amid the storm of cliche, split infinitives, monstrous new jargon and nouns abused as verbs, I detect a declaration of war against advice services.
According to this vision, everyone will learn to use the system, the need for advice services will simply fall away, and it implies that there will be no duff decisions, no protracted and complicated appeals, no arguments over the meanings of poorly-drafted regulations etc etc.
As UC is really just a cut-and-paste of existing means-tested benefits with some added sugar and slime, I have no confidence in this vision. Cuts disguised in the language of social inclusion.