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Implementation of Universal Credit
I’ve just been to a meeting with the DWP where they stated that Universal Credit will not be introduced in Cornwall for any claimants, new or existing, until April 2014. Does anyone know what is happening in other areas?
Someone I spoke to at Hackney CAB told me they’d heard it was going to be October 2014 in Hackney borough. Not sure where the details came from.
Hi Jay Kay
which meeting was this? Maybe we should all together together to share info /rumours etc in Cornwall!
Alan Wells
Welfare Project Advisor
Cornwall Housing Ltd
For Lothians we’ve heard its likely to be only new JSA claimants without housing costs - from Nov 2013
I’m off to a JCP meeting next week (Devon) and will make enquiries. A nice delay would be very welcome!
Alan - it was at a Vulnerable Customers meeting at the DWP - but was also said at the Cornwall Housing Partnership/Housing Management Forum meeting. Pretty certain Cornwall Housing was at both meetings.
Steve - I asked the DWP about Devon, and the latest info they had was April 2014 at earliest - same as Cornwall.
Thanks JayKay going to the vulnerable adults neeting at Newton Abbot, so will proably get same meesage!