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UC claims and payments

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editor, rightsnet.org.uk

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some interesting points from draft UC claims and payments regs explanatory memorandum -

- backdating maximum one month and in only in set 4 circumstances;
- no claim in writing at all;
- no advance claims except for prisoners to be released within month;
- payment once a calendar month in arrears and no payment of less than a month except where claimants reach PC age;
- exceptions to monthly payment to be set out in guidance rather than regs (no appeal?);
- third party deductions can amount to 40% of standard allowance with max 5% per deduction, apart from court fines (which have max of £103.35 a month) and amount for current consumption of utilities (on top of amount for debt);
- social fund loans not available from 2017; and
- mortgage interest to continue to be paid direct to lender.

here’s a link to the memorandum -


Jon (CANY)
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Welfare benefits - Craven CAB, North Yorkshire

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Some random observations:

The fines deduction is going to be really punitive.

In exceptional cases, we will offer face to face mediation of a
claim for people who are unable to use either the online or telephony channels. This
is likely to involve the claimant visiting a local office or receiving a home visit from the
delivery organisation, where a digital form would be completed (this can be done off
line and then up loaded on return to an appropriate office).

It would sometimes be helpful for advice agencies to have access to this method of claiming, e.g. home visit with a laptop, and some of our outreach locations currently have no internet. However, it might well be that some official verification will have to be done when the application is uploaded by an “appropriate office”?

we do not want to label any claimant as financially incapable and for that
reason payment exceptions will be on a time limited basis. We will look to put in
place the appropriate support to ensure claimants’ circumstances can be reviewed,
moving them over time to a point where they can manage the default Universal
Credit payment arrangements

This idea of limiting payment exceptions by time (instead of, say, until the claimant reports that they are now financially capable) is reminiscent of not wanting to “label” anyone incapable of work, even if they patently are. The wording suggests that the “appropriate support” they are “looking” to put in place is only for carrying out reviews, but I assume there will be some support for actually helping people become financially capable? Or is this one of the functions that outside agencies are supposed to provide? (Some claimants, or those assisting them, may take the cynical view that by becoming “financially capable” they are just losing points on the PIP assessment.)

deductions for last resort items (such as rent or utility
arrears) will continue to be made in order that people can remain in their homes and
receive fuel and water

This seems to be special pleading for the water companies, becase last I checked water supply can not be disconnected for arrears. Is there any indication that this protection is going to be reversed?

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Welfare Rights Adviser, Bristol City Council, Bristol

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Joined: 21 June 2010

I think Reg 30 allows for claims up to a month in advance in any circumstances?