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Government to move 12 million claimants onto universal credit by 2017,

John Birks
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Welfare Rights and Debt Advice - Stockport Council

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says Iain Duncan Smith.”...it will replace the current costly, outdated process with a digital system, which will be simpler to use…”

Yes. That’s my experience of the digital world too. Faultless.

” errrrr….Have you turned your claim off and on again?”

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Social policy coordinator, CAB, Basingstoke

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Yesterday a colleague sent a simple one-line e-mail to everyone going to a particular meeting. 71 TIMES 12 people.

Imagine if your computer went mad and made 71 clalims for benefit….no, it couldn’t happen.

Peter Turville
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Welfare rights worker - Oxford Community Work Agency

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Friday pm thought…..

as someone whose experience goes back to Supp Ben (as a SB assessor) in the days when it was calculated by hand (and no calculators) on the back of an A14 and experienced the introduction of IS/HB/FC etc (as a benefit office worker & then CAB adviser)when it was possible to work those benefits out the back of an envelope (a calculator helped!).

Golden Rule of welfare reform - if you can’t work it out on the back of an envelope it is probably too complicated and likely to be subject to repeated delay/failure and very expensive to administer (even through an IT port hole).

Conclusion - UC can’t be worked out on the back of an envelope so it will fail to meet the objective of simplification and will be that potential motorway pile up. Still there will be a UC App - will there also be a ‘how to sort out your claim for UC when you’ve got no money for your smart phone App?

Gareth - will Ferret be producing spare envelopes?

Gareth Morgan
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CEO, Ferret, Cardiff

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All our envelopes have two fronts and no back.