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Age that you become entitled to Pension Credit
I know that the age that you will be entitled to Pension Credit is going to rise in line with the change to women’s retirement age, however I have been asked for advice on entitlement by someone who has recently turned 60, she has been informed by Pension Credit that she is not entitled to apply until next year now. The Directgov website gives contridictory info, at the top of the info page is says that women born from April 1950 are affected by the changes but then further down it states that the age increase for PC entitlement is only going to affect people born after April 1953, she was born in 1951? Can anyone advise further?
You will find a helpful table at Appendix 5 in the CPAG Welfare Benefits & Tax Credits Handbook - the increasing age relates to women born after April 1950.
For a woman born in 1951, she wont reach pension age till next year.
There’s an on-line state pension age calculator at
For the record:
The current rules mean those born after 5 April 1960 are having their Pension Credit age pushed back beyond 60.
There is another change, proposed but not yet passed by parliament, which would mean those born after 6 April 1953 will have an even longer wait than under the current regulation.
You mean 1950, not 1960.
It certainly affects my little sister, who was born in May 1951.
D’oh, quite right.
I was trying (and failing) to clarify where the original confusion arose.