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Small window of opportunity for some MACs?

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Housing Systems

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Total Posts: 32

Joined: 10 May 2023

Given the amending Regs that come into effect (mostly) on 27th Jan we believe there’s a small window of opportunity for some MACs who could benefit from delaying their claim for UC until the Regs have come into effect.

We’re specifically thinking about MACs whose ESA ended because the older member was the main claimant and turned State Pension age and they haven’t yet made a claim for UC - so probably a very small group but we thought it was worth thinking about!

We’ve put together an article about the issue and a flowchart (linked in the article) to help figure out what to advise.

If it helps one couple avoid the relevant period, all that time spent figuring out how to cover such a complicated topic in a simple(ish) flowchart will have been worth it!

Article is here - https://www.housingsystems.co.uk/News/News-Articles/id/186