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Bedroom Tax Exemption
I have a family who are in the process of migrating from Income Support/Tax credits with disabled child element/Carers to UC. They are also in receipt of Housing Benefit for Social Housing.
Sadly their son passed away April 2024. They live in a 3 bed house and have another child. Therefore not subject to under occupancy charge until April 2025 under HB rules.
However under UC it is only 3 months exemption.
For moving over to UC - for the TP calculation. I presume the actual HB they are getting just now will form part of the TP calculation.
But UC will then only calculate eligible rent for the 2 bedrooms but they will receive TP for the 3 bedroom ?
I could then apply for DHP to cover the under occupancy shortfall (in Scotland)
Hope this make sense.
Thank you
The transitional element is calculated based on the difference between the legacy benefits they receive and the indicative amount of UC. If, when they claim, they are entitled to HB for a three bedroom property but the UC award will only be for two bedrooms then, all other things being equal, they should get a transitional element to make up the difference.
This works out quite well for them really, because the transitional element won’t just drop off entirely in April as the higher HB rate would have - it will ‘erode’ over time - so they may end up better off as a result of migrating even without DHP.
Thank you for the quick reply