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Change of Circumstances Prompting Natural Migration

Adam Evenson
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Blackpool Centre For Unemployed

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With regards to HB - is any change of circumstances now pushing people to migrate over the UC naturally?

I’ve had two clients who were on HB, moved address (same Council) and was informed that they need to move over to UC - I’m assuming as HB is ending for under-SPA, that they are now moving everyone over regardless of the change of circumstance?

Just wanted to check this is correct as I can’t seem to find any new guidance on it


Elliot Kent
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No that’s not it at all. The council are either pulling a fast one to get them off the books or there is some miscommunication.

When people talk about “natural migration”, they mean a situation where the inability to make a new claim for a legacy benefit pushes someone into claiming UC. E.g. having a first child and being unable to claim Child Tax Credit - or being found fit for work on ESA and being unable to claim JSA.

Your clients don’t need to make any new claims in this situation because they are moving within the LA area and they can just report the change of address as part of their existing HB awards.

They could still choose to claim UC - either because they are better off or just to get it over with - but that is up to them.

They will at some point get given a formal Migration Notice from the DWP, which is the point at which their HB will forcibly end. Until then, it is business as usual.

Adam Evenson
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Blackpool Centre For Unemployed

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Elliot Kent - 20 December 2024 11:00 AM

No that’s not it at all. The council are either pulling a fast one to get them off the books or there is some miscommunication.

When people talk about “natural migration”, they mean a situation where the inability to make a new claim for a legacy benefit pushes someone into claiming UC. E.g. having a first child and being unable to claim Child Tax Credit - or being found fit for work on ESA and being unable to claim JSA.

Your clients don’t need to make any new claims in this situation because they are moving within the LA area and they can just report the change of address as part of their existing HB awards.

They could still choose to claim UC - either because they are better off or just to get it over with - but that is up to them.

They will at some point get given a formal Migration Notice from the DWP, which is the point at which their HB will forcibly end. Until then, it is business as usual.

Thankyou Elliot!! I thought I had completely missed something new happening.