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Voluntary Migration due to Marketing Material

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Welfare, Advice Direct Scotland

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Joined: 3 July 2024

Hi all,

I am wondering if anyone else is seeing clients that have made a ‘voluntary’ claim to Universal Credit after seeing marketing/promotional material surrounding managed migration and the ‘Move to UC’ before actually receiving their migration notice.

I have been speaking with a couple of advisers and clients that are in this situation and trying to get a bit of a gauge as to how common it is.


Andrew Dutton
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Welfare rights service - Derbyshire County Council

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Hi -we had some when an information leaflet was issued in Sept-Oct 2023 and some people mistook it for the formal letter , but nothing since then.

From my angle, I have been amazed that in all this time we have received no enquiries from the public - none at all - arising from DWP promitional materials. I do wonder how effective they have been.

Helen Rogers
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Welfare rights officer - Stockport MBC

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I had a client who migrated herself after misunderstanding the letter sent out by Tax Credits last year.

Adam Evenson
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Blackpool Centre For Unemployed

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Andrew Dutton - 16 December 2024 08:56 AM

Hi -we had some when an information leaflet was issued in Sept-Oct 2023 and some people mistook it for the formal letter , but nothing since then.

From my angle, I have been amazed that in all this time we have received no enquiries from the public - none at all - arising from DWP promitional materials. I do wonder how effective they have been.

We’ve had a couple of enquiries but usually from clients known to us already who check everything by us!

Like you said, it does cast doubt as to whether they are effective for anything