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Welfare Benefits Officer, Falkirk Council
Member since
30th Apr 2008

Medical evidence requests
Mon 23-Feb-09 05:45 PM

Medical evidence requests


I am hoping that the experts online will be able to give me some assistance with my new task.

As it stands, I am doing some research on medical evidence requests as our team is looking towards having a more uniformed approach in terms of the way we collate the information. In addition to this, we are currently in the process of contacting solicitors in the hope we can work in partnership with them, via the legal aid system, to obtain medical evidence. This being a result of evidence becoming more increasingly difficult to obtain as a consequence of the charges being the main barrier; our service is a free service and a large percentage of our clients do not have the money to pay for it. Consequently, we are hoping that we can negotiate with GPs and consultants whereby they will receive payments for persons qualifying via the legal aid system and they may perhaps waive the charge for others, which I must say is a very small percentage. We aim to do this by facilitating talks in surgeries and explaining the importance of medical evidence.

In terms of medical evidence for DLA, we mainly send a letter to the consultant/GP detailing that the client is appealing a decision. We then confirm their health and the mobility and care needs that they state stem from their condition and then ask the GP to provide their professional opinion on their statements and provide a brief indication of their opinion where possible. We are always very careful ensuring we are objective rather than subjective and that we are not leading (given previous case law etc). Every case is pertinent to the clients needs, ensuring that we get the best possible medical evidence for the client. We endeavour to be as thorough as possible given supportive medical evidence normally leads to appeals being overturned. For example, if a claimant’s DLA ceased on renewal, we would perhaps ask the GP to confirm if the client’s condition has improved since the previous decision. If they confirm that it has not, then we can use this to our advantage at appeal, along with previous reports and a decision such as CDLA/4032/2006 to back this up. Bingo….. We’ll it normally works for me!!!!!!

For IB, we tend to work differently; some of our advisers send a letter to a GP/consultant stating the client has failed the PCA and detail their health conditions. We then ask the health professional to complete an attached questionnaire detailing the points that the client feels they should have attained. We mention about the test of reasonable regularity etc and ask the GP/consultant to provide his professional comments on the client’s statements, providing a brief indication of their opinion where possible. In all, we aim to obtain an independent judgement of the claimant’s problems rather than a letter, simply relaying information. We then normally expand on the descriptors by stating why the client feels they satisfy the criteria, for example; -

15(b) cannot concentrate to read a magazine or follow a radio programme (2 points) Mr…… has poor concentration levels and is constantly tired. Consequently, he is unable to read a magazine or follow a T.V programme in one continuous session.

However some of our advisers tend to send a standard questionnaire to the medical professionals asking them to input the client’s health condition, medication and then tick the descriptors that apply.

In essence, each case is different. For example if regulation 27(b) was appropriate, a letter may be issued detailing the legislation and why the client believes they satisfy the criteria. (List not exhaustive)

In all, I believe a good representative should be able to ascertain what evidence is required in order to help win a case and obtain the evidence where possible. Therefore I am looking for feedback and would welcome any ideas and templates that you may use.

I have considered trying to set up more standard templates for different situations, however I have not out much thought into it, so sorry if it sounds duuuuu!!, : -

• DLA- Children – care needs in excess of child same age without a disability
• DLA Children – Supervision in excess of child same age without a disability
• DLA- Physical
• DLA – Mental Health
• DLA- SMI Route
• AA –
• DLA- Renewal- has there been an improvement in clients condition

Incapacity Benefit: -

• IB – Reg 27/27b
• IB- letter and questionnaire or letter detailing relevant descriptors
• IB_ letter asking whether condition has improved, E.g. if client states it has not, then can ask tribunal to take into account previous reports.

I thought that we would then use these templates (adapt them to each individual case) and then send these to solicitors etc or use them ourselves where appropriate.

On this note, I would most welcome your thoughts and experience on this matter and look forward to your replies.





Replies to this topic
RE: Medical evidence requests, Tony Bowman, 27th Feb 2009, #1
RE: Medical evidence requests, CAS4, 27th Feb 2009, #2
RE: Medical evidence requests, CAS4, 27th Feb 2009, #3
      RE: Medical evidence requests, Liz S, 19th May 2009, #4
           RE: Medical evidence requests, Narayan, 19th May 2009, #5
                RE: Medical evidence requests, david fernie, 19th May 2009, #6

Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

RE: Medical evidence requests
Fri 27-Feb-09 11:47 AM

Sounds grand! Also sounds as though we should be getting your input rather than your seeking ours!!

We have some standard templates (DLA adults/children, PCA, etc) and sometimes we write letters.

I tend to take the approach that will yield the best quality information on each indivdual case; sometimes a standard form, other times a letter and on rare occassions a telephone call.

I'm not sure your idea of referring out to solictors will help with gathering evidence. As far as I know (sorry but I can't reference this) there is a clause in legal help funding arrangments to prevent just what you suggest.





Welfare Benefits Officer, Falkirk Council
Member since
30th Apr 2008

RE: Medical evidence requests
Fri 27-Feb-09 11:52 AM

Thanks for your advice. I will keep you updated accordingly.

Have a lovely weekend.





Welfare Benefits Officer, Falkirk Council
Member since
30th Apr 2008

RE: Medical evidence requests
Fri 27-Feb-09 01:39 PM

Would you be please send me a few of your standard templates and the letters you use?

My email adderess is nicola.luke@falkirk.gov.uk

Thanks alot

Have a fab weekend




Liz S

Welfare and Financial Assessment Officer, Welfare Rights Team Hereford
Member since
21st Nov 2007

RE: Medical evidence requests
Tue 19-May-09 10:49 AM

Hi, would you be able to send me copies of the templates you currently use?

Many thanks


Email: estaunton@herefordshire.gov.uk




Welfare Rights Officer, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council
Member since
05th Jul 2007

RE: Medical evidence requests
Tue 19-May-09 11:06 AM

Please send me some copies on my email address.

Email: sanat.dave@tameside.gov.uk




david fernie

WRO, Appeals Section, Glasgow City Council
Member since
14th May 2004

RE: Medical evidence requests
Tue 19-May-09 12:01 PM

Hi Nicola

We have a list of solicitors that we use spread (more or less) throughout Glasgow. As our clients usually qualify for legal aid, we send our service users a referral letter along with the list and allow them to chose which solicitor they see.

The solicitors have the knowledge and experience to decide what the appropriate evidence would be but they will of course consult with us if there is any clarification required. The solictor can obtain the funding from SLAB to pay for medical evidence.

As with any procedure there are many exceptions to this and each case has to be looked at individually.

If I had to give one bit of advice it is that it is important that if you are going down the legal aid route that you make links with solicitors who have an interest in the area of work and are willing to put the necessary resources to it.

The way we work isn't perfect but the assistance of the solicitors frees up our WRO's time from requesting/detailing required medical evidence and therefore we can, among other things, represent more people.




Top Disability related benefits topic #6635First topic | Last topic