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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #66

Subject: "Training restrictions for clients on IB or DLA" First topic | Last topic

employment opportunities worker, Camden Alcoholic Support Association
Member since
08th Mar 2004

Training restrictions for clients on IB or DLA
Mon 08-Mar-04 01:57 PM

Hello all. We are still trying to determine whether there are any restictions on part-time education for clients on Incapacity Benefit or DLA. I understand that permitted work regulations have been set for those on IB, but cannot find any reference to similar regulations for training. Our best guess is that less than 16 hours would be acceptable and that Jobcentre and/or Benefits Agency should be notified prior to start to avoid benefits being affected. Any better advice gratefully received. Thanks in advance.



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Welfare Rights Officer, Glasgow City Council
Member since
20th Jan 2004

RE: Training restrictions for clients on IB or DLA
Tue 09-Mar-04 10:35 AM

There are no specific rules preventing studying whilst claiming benefit because of incapacity for work.

I wouldn't see starting a course as a relevant change of circumstances unless the reason you can now attend is a significant improvement in your health (and then the improvement would be the relevant change.)

The DWP probalbly consider it should be notified as the sort of tasks that they do while attending the course may suggest that they no longer satisfy the Personal Capbility Assessment.

The PCA should not be effected if they are
- exempt
- have a disability that clearly means they score enough points to satisfy the PCA, e.g. a wheelchair who cannot walk at all.

There is also no reason why someone should not be entitled to DLA while studying. In fact it may be easier to show they require frequent attention and so a higher rate may be payable, e.g., a person awarded only low rate care but needs a sign interpreter to attend college.

A bit of a ramble but I hope it helps.



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #66First topic | Last topic