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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #355

Subject: "PCA & Reaching" First topic | Last topic

welfare rights officer, Redcar & Cleveland Welfare Rights
Member since
22nd Jan 2004

PCA & Reaching
Thu 09-Sep-04 10:41 AM

I have an appeal this afternoon and I'm a bit confused about how this descriptor applies. My client has an affected right arm and can't raise this above shoulder level. However the DM awarded no points for the descriptor - Canoot raise one arm above the head as if to reach for something but can with the other.

The EMP at PCA has acknowledged that he can't raise his arm above shoulder height.

So, I'm wondering why "As if to put on a hat" for 6 points hasn't been given. The guidance states that what is being tested is the ability to raise your arm upwards and outwards which doesn't seem to match the actions for the "hat" descriptor. Further, the action to put a hat on I would think less than the action necessary for ther descriptor scoring nil points.

Anybody help to put me right


Top Incapacity related benefits topic #355First topic | Last topic