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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #459

Subject: "UCP - IS suspeneded for lack of ID" First topic | Last topic

Advice Worker, Notre Dame Refugee Centre Westminster, London
Member since
29th Jan 2004

UCP - IS suspeneded for lack of ID
Mon 19-Jul-04 11:53 AM

An asylum seeking client and his family have had their urgent case payment - IS suspended until they can produce valid ID ie passport or recent IS96. Client has no passport (couldn't obtain one from country of origin and had to resort on using false papers to gain entry to UK) The IS96 IS dated 15 May 03 and has no expiry date. DWP want a recent HO doc but of course HO will not issue new IS96. If id is not submitted before 19/7 DWP will close claim. Is it right for them to insist on this, and do they have the right to close claim after 19/7 if claimant doesn't come up with valid id?



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Caseworker, North Kensington Law Centre - London
Member since
26th Jan 2004

RE: UCP - IS suspeneded for lack of ID
Mon 19-Jul-04 03:29 PM

For ID they could show things like gas / electricity letters sent to their address, etc, in the normal way.

For up to date HO information about their status they have two options worth considering:

1. get a letter from their solicitor confirming the status as far as is known to date (this might eat into the time the solicitor has to run their immigration case for them, so if instead they have a recent letter anyway they may prefere to use that);

2. DWP contact the HO on their "special line". They might be more inclined to do this once it has been explained that this is not an ID issue but a status issue (perhaps they are confusing the two?).

Bit confused as to why they have an IS96 dated May 2003. Was this to replace an earlier IS96?

For what evidence DWP can ask for see CPAG handbook. Basically, it is probably legit for them to ask for an update about HO status. However, they also know how difficult it is to get information from the HO. It is better for all concerned if the DWP do it, and I see no reason why they would refuse, especially if client has shown willing and done what they can (see above).



Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #459First topic | Last topic