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Top Pension Credit topic #487

Subject: "Capital rules - property" First topic | Last topic

CAB Adviser, Esher CAB
Member since
09th Mar 2004

Capital rules - property
Fri 12-Aug-05 02:01 PM

Client and wife live in own home (mortgaged but substantial equity). Wife has just inherited a house in another part of the country - value about £80K (no mortgage). This house needs substantial repair. Client has just claimed PC. Amount reduced by about £150 p wk to allow for value of this second house. Client does not want to sell the house - wishes to repair it, sell present house and retire there - but this may not be for some years (depends on when his wife's elderly sick mother dies).
CPAG p 1032 says "if you are carrying out essential repairs or alterations which are needed so that you can occupy a property as your home..." the value can be ignored for six months. Can anyone advise please what this qualification (so that you can occupy...)means? Does the fact that the client already owns and occupies a house rule him out from claiming it? Does he have to have an intention to occupy it when the repairs are completed (rather than at some indefinite time in the future)?


Top Pension Credit topic #487First topic | Last topic