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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #769

Subject: "looking for R(S) 4/56 where doctors disagree- balance of probalility" First topic | Last topic

welfare rights caseworker, Islington peoples rights
Member since
21st Dec 2004

looking for R(S) 4/56 where doctors disagree- balance of probalility
Fri 06-May-05 12:40 PM

Does anybody have a copy of the above they can fax to me on 0207 354 3803?

I've sent a GP report as further evidence but the decision maker has chosen to accept the contradictory EMP report, based on a 16 mins interview, and states 'Commissioner's decision R(S)4/56 where doctors disagree, the statury tribunals have to decide on a balance of probability, which of the contrasting opinion is probably more correct. The view of the appellant's own doctor is not conclusive.'



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #769First topic | Last topic