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Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #837

Subject: "official error & the burden of proof" First topic | Last topic
carol obeirne

welfare rights unit, cardiff council
Member since
20th Jul 2004

official error & the burden of proof
Fri 11-Feb-05 01:56 PM

My client's SDA was withdrawn in 1996. He cannot recall getting an explanation. It is highly likely that he has always continued to qualify.
The documents relating to this have all been destroyed. DWP can only come up with suppositions as to why SDA was withdrawn.
I think that there most likely was an official error and it was stopped by mistake. I intend to press for a revision on the grounds there was an official error.
firstly, does it matter that this was before the SS & CS (decisions and appeals) regs came into being?
Second, is the burnden of proof on the DWP?
PS Would "Harry Potter & the burden of Proof" be a good title for the next volume? Or am I taking the friday feeling too far?


Top Decision Making and Appeals topic #837First topic | Last topic