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Subject: "Freedom Pass Appeals - LONDON." First topic | Last topic

Generalist Adviser, Holborn Citizens Advice Bureau (Camden - London)
Member since
18th Feb 2004

Freedom Pass Appeals - LONDON.
Thu 04-Mar-04 04:59 PM

Not exactly a benefit, but sort of.
Is any one else having problems with this ?
They seem to have a partial appeals system. (my experience is with Camden). Appeals have to be in writing within 28 days. The appeal seems very formal, tick one box then everything must be submitted as documents, but there is now indication of what counts. What documents? Can the claimant write documents ?
Other than a medical evidence letter I'm sending a client statement, and a letter from the CAB (my client received her notification 30 days late, so we have to start by asking for an extension).
This seems very hard for a claimant to manage themselves.
There is also no suggestion that you can request, or will get, the original paperwork used to make the decision. I've asked anyway...
Decisions are made within 14 days, which might be nice and fast, but is worryinging when we still have paperwork to follow (due to the delay in getting a GP appointment). And not indicative of a very thorough consideration.
I'm thinking we might be contacted the council to question the whole system, but I'm interested in whether anyone out there has had problems, or has any experience of what is required for the appeal.
It is quite a substantial benefit to a client on IS with a lot of extra travel costs due to her disability.


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