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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #1563

Subject: "computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'" First topic | Last topic
andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'
Wed 12-Jul-06 03:29 PM

I can barely articulate this case because it's been that sort of week, but anyway client goes through the above scores a million points, so well over the 15 point threshold.

Score sheet shows he's scored the above points, but the IB85 suggests the Doctor has been given virtually no points, states the same 'i disagree he can't do this and that descriptor etc, most of the comments do lend suggest that he should be awarded x points, although some comments are repeated for different contexts suggesting the doctor couldn't find/work the overide wotsit etc.

Anyway, it's obvious the doctor couldn't work ATOS's finest computer creation, i.e. the over rides etc etc.

Client is a determined man of principle with dogged determination etc etc would like the IB85 properly completed by doctor i.e doctor to operate system properly,so it reflects his true situation and because he would like to use it as evidence of his disability for other issues.

I do have mega amounts of misgivings about it, because of a lack of faith and trust in the system and concerns about any potential for badness i.e. he's passed the PCA, so best not look back and keep moving on keeping a healthy distance at all times.

Anyway client determined to carry on regardless, and wants to know how he get the IB85 properly completed. Any thoughts, idea's, advice, etc etc on how client can achieve above or why he should leave sleeping dogs lie etc.




Replies to this topic
RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work', dbcwru, 18th Jul 2006, #1
RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work', Damian, 18th Jul 2006, #2
      RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work', dbcwru, 18th Jul 2006, #3
           RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work', andy p2, 24th Jul 2006, #4


Welfare Rights Officer, Darlington Welfare Rights
Member since
25th Nov 2005

RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'
Tue 18-Jul-06 11:41 AM

If he wants a correctly completed IB85. it would be a good idea to write to the Decision Maker and ask for the case to be sent to Medical Services for a 'rework' and to request either a corrected IB85 or another medical. The inaccuracies should have been picked up by the IB medical section staff anyway.




WRO(Health), Salford WRS
Member since
23rd May 2005

RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'
Tue 18-Jul-06 01:55 PM

I'd be a bit cautious with this myself. He is keeping his benefit at the moment and I'd worry that a 'rework' would end up with a score of less points. A new medical sounds even more dangerous.




Welfare Rights Officer, Darlington Welfare Rights
Member since
25th Nov 2005

RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'
Tue 18-Jul-06 01:58 PM

I think you have to be led by your client and just be honest about the potential pitfalls.



andy p2

Welfare benefits case worker, Disability Wessex
Member since
17th Jan 2006

RE: computerised IB85's 'Incapacity For Work'
Mon 24-Jul-06 10:38 AM

Thanks alot for your advice, i think the last posting encapsulates it all, anyway, client has had second thoughts and has decided to leave it.

Having said that, after i show him this, he'll probably change his mind, citing it's a clients perogative to confuse any available welfs.

see ya andy



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #1563First topic | Last topic