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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #4705

Subject: "Can forgetting to attend appointments lead to any points in coping with change desciptor for ESA?" First topic | Last topic

Advisor, South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice
Member since
15th May 2007

Can forgetting to attend appointments lead to any points in coping with change desciptor for ESA?
Mon 21-Dec-09 04:05 PM


I have a client who I am helping with a ESA appeal. She is able to cope with change as long as somebody reminds her to go to an appointment (she has a poor memory). Is it worth disputing this desciptor?




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Welfare lawyer and social policy collator, Basingstoke CAB
Member since
13th Mar 2007

RE: Can forgetting to attend appointments lead to any points in coping with change desciptor for ESA...
Mon 21-Dec-09 05:07 PM

My understanding of the "coping with change" descriptor is that it is primarily intended for people with conditions on the autistic spectrum, and other conditions that make departure from a fixed routine very difficult to handle (as can happen with some people who have learning difficulty). I think this problem is more closely related to the various ones about initiating and sustaining personal actions and those others where reminding and prompting are expressly included. People who can't cope with change just freak out like a kid I once met who couldn't deal with being asked to eat his packed lunch in the playground on a nice summer day instead of his usual place in the dining room. His reaction was so extreme that his mum had to come and take him home.



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #4705First topic | Last topic