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Top Policy topic #1063

Subject: "Benefit Fraud" First topic | Last topic
Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

Benefit Fraud
Fri 26-Sep-08 12:32 PM

Yet another fraud initiative! I was so angry, I reported James Purnell on thier online reporting website (and now I'm going home to a beer, a meat sandwich and some sun!!):

Who is committing the fraud?

Mr James Purnell MP.

Other information about the type of benefit fraud being committed?

Mr Purnell, and his under-colleagues, are defrauding innocent benefit claimants of millions of pounds of their rightful entitlement in several ways:

- they deliberately misinterpret and misapply the legislation relating to benefit entitlements thereby unlawfully denying many people thier lawful entitlements;

- they deliberately maladminister claims in several ways, many of which are incompatible with the legislation governing administration of claims (SSAA 1992, SSA 1992, SS(C+P) regs 1987;

- they give undue weight to anti-fraud initiatives which creates a negative culture of suspicion within DWP circles which, in turn, results in innocent people being accused of, and punished for, crimes they haven't committed; and for other people it makes them too afraid to claim their rightful entitlements.

Furthermore, as a result of this activity, and proven by the DWP's own statistics, Mr Purnell and his department (and local authorities administering the housing benefit scheme also) defraud UK taxpayers to varying degrees by the unnecessary expenditure of vast sums of money in benefit administration, tribunals and commissioners administration, publicly funded legal advice services. Health and social services budgets are also increased because of the serious knock-on effects that Mr Purnell's activities have on many innocent people.

What makes you think benefit fraud is being committed?

As a welfare rights worker, and former benefit claimant, I am very well placed to see first hand those experiences I have detailed in the box above.

Details of other benefits involved?

Most benefits are involved, except child benefit and tax credits where Mr Purnell's colleague, Tessa Jowell is the perpetrator in that fraud - the reasons for which are strikingly similiar to those I have given above.

Their employer's name and address if known?

Gordon Brown (though this might change soon)
10 Downing Street


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