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Subject: "Hayward storage" First topic | Last topic

adviser, penwith citizens advice bureau
Member since
15th Dec 2005

Hayward storage
Thu 12-Mar-09 03:03 PM

Is anyone else having problems with requesting historical information from the DWP?

Lots of claimants details seem to have been put into storage - and getting it out again is causing real delays and problems.

The last adviser at the DWP that I spoke to told me that she had visited the storage facility at Hayward (which is run by a private company), and it was surprising that they could find anything. Apparantly its a big aircraft hangar with papers and files hanging off the shelves.

I'm getting more and more cases where records of claims made have been lost (so getting IS backdated when DLA awarded impossible), or where they can't tell me why benefit has stopped or reduced.

Is this a widespread problem?




Replies to this topic
RE: Hayward storage, ariadne2, 12th Mar 2009, #1
RE: Hayward storage, johnwilson, 16th Apr 2009, #2
      RE: Hayward storage, jaykay, 16th Apr 2009, #3


Welfare lawyer and social policy collator, Basingstoke CAB
Member since
13th Mar 2007

RE: Hayward storage
Thu 12-Mar-09 04:08 PM

It doesn't seem to be at all uncommon in PCA cases where computer records show that cliemt previously satisfied PCA but they can't find the papers "in spite of an exhaustive search". Not suurprising they can't find anything if everyone is going in for a good rummage.




Benefits and Appeals, Dumfries and Galloway Citizens Advice Service
Member since
06th Feb 2008

RE: Hayward storage
Thu 16-Apr-09 09:25 AM

I visited the Heywood storage facility in Manchester many years ago, when it was first being set up, and for my sins worked for the Benefits Agency (RIP).
It is simply large industial units on a giant industrial estate. It was a nightmare then, and I'm sure it's worse now.

They had one computer system at DSS end shipping the stuff out, and in some cases just clerical records, while the contractors had their own system for receiving the stuff; of course there was no link between systems. I don't know if it's different now but cases were placed in cardboard trays which were numbered, and retrieval was via the numerical filing of the trays. Can you imagine the scope for confusion and chaos with low paid staff, poorly trained, and rubbish computer records.

However the way I see it, this works to our advantage now when DWP are unable to provide evidence on debt cases etc.




adviser, penwith citizens advice bureau
Member since
15th Dec 2005

RE: Hayward storage
Thu 16-Apr-09 01:20 PM

I've just put in a complaint about the length of time it is taking to get a case reviewed where I know that the DWP are waiting for files back from Hayward. In the acknowledgment of the complaint they've stated that they will look at compensation for the delay - without me asking for it.



Top Other benefit issues topic #3803First topic | Last topic