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Top Incapacity related benefits topic #4580

Subject: "ESA appeal " First topic | Last topic
Liz S

Welfare and Financial Assessment Officer, Welfare Rights Team Hereford
Member since
21st Nov 2007

ESA appeal
Mon 16-Nov-09 09:37 AM

Hi all

Can you advise me if this is correct?

My client did not attend her Tribunal due to the severity of her condition (CFS/ME) and despite my representation the decision (notified some days later) went against her.

I have requested a WSOR from the Tribunal Service and have notified the BDCthat my client intends to continue with her appeal and have received a letter stating she will no longer receive any payments pending her appeal to the Upper Tribunal.

Is this correct? Sorry to be so dense about this.

Should my client re-claim ESA with a new medical certificate confirming her condition is more severe?

All advice very much appreciated!



Replies to this topic

Victor Ridding

Welfare Rights Officer, Stockport Advice
Member since
09th Sep 2004

RE: ESA appeal
Mon 16-Nov-09 11:01 AM

I am fairly sure the regs only allow payment of ESA pending the outcome of the first tier tribunal. This is different from the regs for IS while awaiting a IB/PCA appeal.

If it is now more than 6 months since her original ESA decision she can make a new claim with any sick note.
If not then yes she needs to get a sick note for a new condition or an existing one which is significantly worse.



Top Incapacity related benefits topic #4580First topic | Last topic