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Top Pension Credit topic #993

Subject: "pension credit and credits for unemployment" First topic | Last topic

outreach and welfare rights adviser, lewes + seaford cab
Member since
17th Nov 2005

pension credit and credits for unemployment
Tue 07-Aug-07 03:59 PM

Partner is 63 and gets SRP. Client is under 60 and has been getting NI "credits only" for several years: originally had too much capital to claim any JSA payment so never did claim and has never notified a change of circs as capital ran down (now very long since run down). Not surprisingly can't cope on £95 SRP pw.

Jobcentre has suggested he could try putting in a late change of circs request : but I fear backdate possibility very limited under the rules as no evidence of wrong advice…he just never asked as circumstances changed. Am I right in thinking it’s better that partner claims PC, because of automatic 12 month backdate ?

Also, can client wants to know if he can still go on claiming “credits only” under SS Cr Regs 95 reg 8A until 60 (when he will get automatic credits) so as to keep his NI record intact (he realises this means continuing to “sign on”? Payments of IBJSA and of PC would appear to be mutually exclusive under JS Act 95 Reg3, (which is presumably why a new claim for PC usually requires a signing off from IBJSA) but can’t pinpoint anything that precludes ongoing credits only claim.

Comments gratefully received.


Top Pension Credit topic #993First topic | Last topic