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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #7573

Subject: "SDP and no fixed address" First topic | Last topic
Sue Holman

training & information officer, Middlesbrough Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
23rd Mar 2005

SDP and no fixed address
Tue 24-Nov-09 03:35 PM

Hi can anyone point me to any guidance on the following? I have a feeling I am flogging a dead horse but don't like to quit unless I am sure I have exhausted all arguments.

I have a client who has severe mental illness and is receiving Incap benefit and DLA middles care/low mobility.

He seperated from his partner in January and has been sleeping on the sofa between 3 different addresses belonging to friends and friends of friends. He has no possessions other than the clothes he is wearing and a change of clothes in a rucksack. Most meals are taken at relatives homes during the day or he eats out. He is attending an IT course 2 days a week just to give him somewhere to go.

He will only qualify for IS if it includes a SDP as his ICB exceeds without this. I have looked at the DMG and CPAG handbook and I believe he can be treated as having no fixed address (Mind have now referred him to a support worker who is trying to find supported accommodation for him) but I am not sure if he will be treated by IS as 'normally residing' with the householders at the 3 addresses. The support worker has made it quite clear that they are basically giving him somewhere to sleep at night as he is vunerable and would not manage sleeping on the streets without being targeted.

I also have a feeling there is something about no premiums being included in entitlement to IS if the client has no accommodation whereas I am saying my client has no fixed address so should premiums be included in his applicable amount?

Would appreciate any help if you have dealt with something similar?



Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #7573First topic | Last topic