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Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6803

Subject: "Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence" First topic | Last topic

Welfare Benefits Adviser, Shelter Cymru
Member since
30th Apr 2008

Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence
Mon 30-Jun-08 02:00 PM

Does anyone know the answer to this?

Client in owner occupied property, in receipt of IS and housing costs for mortgage interest payments.

Client accused of harrassment by neighbours, results in criminal investigation. Client is bailed to her mothers while her 17 year old son stays at owner occupied address.

Son not coping so client returns to address for 2 weeks and consequently has to spend 2 weeks in prison due to breach of bail.

Released and bailed to mothers address again, son unable to live there with her.

Client now wants to present as homeless so she can be housed in temporary accommodation with her son.

Will she be able to receive HB for the rent at the temporary accommodation and retain her entitlement to mortgage interest payments?

I have checked IS regs and understand that she can retain these payments for up to 52 weeks whilst temp absent and has intention to return (which she does when criminal investigation complete and bail lifted). However not sure if this will effect her HB claim and also if the property would be treated as capital asset for HB, can't find anything to say it would be disregarded?



Replies to this topic
RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence, Tony Bowman, 04th Jul 2008, #1
RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence, jutucker, 07th Jul 2008, #2
      RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence, Tony Bowman, 07th Jul 2008, #3
           RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence, jutucker, 07th Jul 2008, #4

Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence
Fri 04-Jul-08 03:56 PM

I'll have a go, but can you clarify whether or not the client intends to return to the original property in the future?

If not, what does she intend to do with it?





Welfare Benefits Adviser, Shelter Cymru
Member since
30th Apr 2008

RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence
Mon 07-Jul-08 10:14 AM

As far as I am aware she does intend to return to the property when she can. She only wants to go into temp accomm as her 17 yr old son will tehn be able to live with her.



Tony Bowman

Welfare Rights Advisor, Reading Community Welfare Rights Unit
Member since
25th Nov 2004

RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence
Mon 07-Jul-08 11:28 AM

For both HB and IS housing costs, the home for which help is claimed must be in respect of the dwelling occupied as the home. Both sets of rules provide for circumstances in which someone can be treated as occupying more than home, but I am unsure if this applies where one is rented and the other is owned. In the CPAG handbook, the rules are phrased in the context of both homes being either rented or owned, but I think they apply either way because the regs are only couched in terms of more than dwelling. If someone knows different please say as I’m unsure on this point.

For the circumstances in which a claimant can be treated as occupying more than one dwelling for IS purposes, see page 801 of the current CPAG handbook and schedule 3 para 6 IS regs. From the situation you describe, it doesn’t seem as though any of the exceptions will apply to your client’s case.

For HB, the rules for those who have more than one dwelling are covered by reg 7(6) HB regs, which are covered on page 187 of the CPAG handbook and, again, none of them seem applicable to the situation you describe.

Assuming that I am correct, that means a decision maker (DM) will have to choose which home your client ‘normally’ occupies. This might not be that straightforward and could be a source of significant difficulty. If a DM concludes that the ‘dwelling normally occupied as the home' is the mortgaged property no HB would payable, and vice-versa. It would be bizarre (but not unexpected) if each DM (DWP and LA) arrived at opposite conclusions.

This doesn’t really apply if both homes cannot be paid for at the same time, but for the sake of completeness, IS can be paid for a temporary absence of up to 52 weeks if the claimant is not likely to be away for longer than this and a number of other conditions apply. The most relevant conditions is that the claimant has to live away from their usual home as a condition of bail (schedule 3 para13(11)(c)(i) IS regs). However, in order to make use of this para, the ‘dwelling normally occupied as the home’ must be the temporary accommodation (which I think is unlikely (see above)) and the client would have to fit into the circumstances for IS in which two homes can be occupied.

In summary, it seems that your client would be treated as only occupying one home. If it is the owned property, the client would have to meet the conditions in reg 7(6) HB regs (two homes) in order to get HB. If it is the rented property, she would have to meet the conditions in schedule 3 paras 6 (two homes) and 13 (temp absence) IS regs to get ISMI (the temporary absence rules are useless if the home is not normally occupied as the dwelling).

I hope that makes sense – and that I’ve got it right. A second opinion would be useful.




Welfare Benefits Adviser, Shelter Cymru
Member since
30th Apr 2008

RE: Benefit on 2 homes/temporary absence
Mon 07-Jul-08 12:18 PM

Thanks for your input. That is basically what I thought but wanted a 2nd opinion!

A third would be even better!



Top Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit topic #6803First topic | Last topic