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Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #4563

Subject: "I.S...CSA maintenance premium" First topic | Last topic

welfare benefits caseworker, CAB, South Holland, Lincs
Member since
07th Apr 2006

I.S...CSA maintenance premium
Thu 27-Sep-07 08:19 PM

Hi i have a lone parent I.S claimant whose ex partner is paying maintenance via the CSA. Client doesn't see the money, it is done under the 'recover and retain' route as he was not a consistent payer. Income Support say this is in client's interest which i can see to a point...it would save her having to have revised I.S calcs if payments all over the place.

However client has rung the CSA to confirm the amount paid and was told she should be able to keep £10pw. Looked in CPAG re maintenance premium but it seems as she is neither receiving the money direct from the CSA or from voluntary payments from ex she is not able to get the premium.

Is this right, or should she still be paid the £10. If so by whom, the CSA or I.S?



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welfare benefits caseworker, CAB, South Holland, Lincs
Member since
07th Apr 2006

RE: I.S...CSA maintenance premium
Mon 08-Oct-07 08:16 AM

Thought i'd let you guys know the result of above. Have spoken to both parties, I.S are to continue paying the adult app amount at full rate. CSA are due to begin paying the £10pw direct to client. Hope this helps any others who have similar query.



Top Income Support & Jobseeker's Allowance topic #4563First topic | Last topic